Capitalizing on Jagwire’s flexibility and scalability, it was determined using Jagwire in the cloud, hosted on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, would provide the most cost-effective approach for the USFS in both operational support and testing Jagwire for continued use. Using Jagwire in a cloud environment allowed the USFS to scale resources as needed, ultimately saving taxpayer dollars in not having to purchase and maintain additional hardware.
Jagwire provides organizations a scalable end-to-end geospatial content management system for FMV and imagery ingest, visualization, dissemination and exploitation in near-real-time environments. Jagwire is designed to bring crucial data from the tactical edge to decision makers, even in low-bandwidth environments, regardless of their location. With a proven track-record dating back to 2004 when early versions provided combat and military support for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Jagwire continues to be instrumental in military missions and worldwide humanitarian and relief operations during and in the aftermath of fires, hurricanes and floods.
Learn more about how Jagwire supports these missions or contact us to discuss if Jagwire might be the right solution for your operation.