Science-Backed, Geospatial Solutions for a Changing Climate



Climate Change Technology & Software

If it’s your job to study or address the effects of climate change, you’ll need measurable information. But it is not always easy to get it. Use remotely sensed data and NV5's geospatial climate change analysis software to get a common operating picture, insights and answers, so you can understand and respond to a changing climate.

Analytics. Insights. Answers you can trust.

The new normal of extreme weather events and a changing climate are putting pressure on communities, organizations and governments around the globe. Remote sensing technologies and software can provide a road map to mitigate and manage the effects of climate change particularly in the areas of infrastructure, weather-related disaster management and environmental security.





see how earth observation can mitigate impacts of climate change and support businesses.

envi monitors water quality


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read how remote sensing images and analytics are used to monitor water pollution.


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Infrastructure Solutions

Infrastructure is a vital part of the global community, and climate change is highlighting vulnerabilities that will disrupt these critical systems. Geospatial analysis can help identify areas of concern in existing infrastructure and improve resiliency efforts to help mitigate effects of climate change and create a sustainable future.

The transportation sector is the backbone of the economy, responsible for the movement of people and the delivery of goods and services.

Remotely detect changes to transportation networks and reduce fieldwork with NV5 climate change technology and software solutions

  • Survey roads, bridges and rail lines for proactive maintenance

  • Monitor, model and manage traffic loads

  • Assess environmental impacts to reduce maintenance and repairs and mitigate geohazards

  • Identify areas where restoration of ecosystems can reduce road maintenance and repair costs

  • Identify vulnerable assets that pose threats or would be most expensive to repair or replace

 This webinar discusses how using a real-time traffic camera network can help you understand how weather is impacting road conditions and critical infrastructure.

How can we help?

remotely detect changes to transportation networks


Monitor, model and manage traffic loads

Identify best locations for wind turbines


quickly gain understanding of topography

 This poster presentation shows how ENVI Deep Learning is used to monitor wind turbine blade health with UAV imagery.

Renewable energy has the potential to drastically reduce greenhouse gasses and help mitigate climate change.

Harness the power of renewables faster and more effectively with NV5 technology software and technologies.

Wind Energy

  • Identify best placement for turbines/farms based on surface topography
  • Monitor turbine blades condition with UAV imagery and deep learning read a case study

Geothermal Energy

  • Detect areas favorable for geothermal plants with thermal infrared imagery
  • Identify areas of higher permeability by analyzing surface minerals

Solar Energy

  • Identify areas of solar irradiance for solar farm placement
  • Study suitability for residential solar panel placement


  • Identify areas of highwater flow and assess impacts to surrounding areas
  • Monitor dams for subsidence to avoid failure
  • Study riparian habitats for the impacts of low water flow
  • Measure the level of water in reservoir
  • Monitor water quality for harmful algal blooms

How can we help?

As global surface temperatures increase, extreme patterns of precipitation bring floods to some areas and severe droughts to others.

Understand climate impacts on water resources and achieve water security using NV5 remote sensing technology

  • Measure and project water supply
  • Measure snow depth to anticipate runoff and seasonal water availability

  • Design sustainable irrigation systems

  • Design safe wastewater treatment systems for capture, treatment, reuse and release
  • Map urban impervious expansions which can lead to severe flooding

  • Monitor water quality

 This case study highlights the use of geospatial imagery of waterways to monitor pollutants so that focused inspections can be carried out.

How can we help?

Measure and protect water supply


Generate maps to better understand and anticipate runoff

Provide essential information about hyperlocal weather

Recent weather extremes are breaking historic records both for their length and their intensity.

Anticipate and mitigate the effects of extreme weather on infrastructure using NV5 technology solutions

  • Forecast and plan for heat-related health disasters due to power failures
  • Identify urban heat islands
  • Determine tree cover extent in urban areas
  • Monitor snow cover to identify areas vulnerable to power outages

 This case study highlights how an Australian municipality uses ENVI Deep Learning to determine tree cover extent.

How can we help?

Extreme Weather Events

Our changing climate is exacerbating extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and floods. Remote sensing technology is used to plan for and alleviate risks and hazards and manage the response and recovery efforts when a weather-related disaster strikes.

Prediction, prevention, response and recovery from wildfires

Climate change has affected ignition patterns and the length of the wildfire season. Increases in drought frequency and severity have stressed vegetation (fire fuels), leading to a higher likelihood of wildfires.

Mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from wildfires with NV5 technology

 NV5 technology is used to understand how changes in the climate are affecting wildfire patterns.

How can we help?

Warming ocean surface temperatures are fueling hurricane and typhon activity and intensity.

Prepare, respond and rebound from hurricanes with climate change analysis technology and software

  • Model risks and identify vulnerable areas and populations
  • Identify escape routes

  • Predict potential impacts

  • Assess damage

  • Prioritize needs and enact restoration efforts

  • Monitor the rate of recovery

 This case study talks about assessing damage from a typhoon to aid rescue and recovery efforts.

Assess damage and respond quickly

Map and better understand flood prone areas


map land use and delineate flood plains

As extreme precipitation events occur more frequently, extreme flooding is even more likely in low-lying areas that are densely populated.

Assess risks and prepare and respond to floods with NV5 technology

  • Map flood-prone areas
  • Delineate floodplains

  • Map land-use

  • Plan evacuation routes

  • Assess damage

  • Update new baseline maps of affected areas

  • Monitor recovery efforts

 This case study highlights how officials used SAR data to map flooding after a cyclone.

How can we help?

Help mitgate the effects and provide aid durning periods of drought

Warmer temperatures and less precipitation in many areas are reducing surface water and drying soil and vegetation. Remote sensing technology solutions for climate change can help predict where droughts occur so that we can mitigate its effects and provide aid during a drought, as well as aid during the response and recovery phases.

Predict and plan for droughts using NV5 technology and software

  • Model risks and assess vulnerable crops and populations
  • Plan for sustainable land and water management

  • Monitor vegetation

  • Map water requirements for crops

  • Develop early warning systems

 This case study talks about using ENVI Crop Science for early stress and disease detection to locate vulnerable crops.

How can we help?

Environmental Security

Climate change is affecting the safety and security of individuals, communities and nations. With a clear understanding of the risks, actions can be taken to mitigate and lessen the impacts.

To provide food security it is imperative to understand how climate changes affect food production, food quality and access to what is harvested.

Assess agricultural changes at local, regional and macro scales with NV5 climate risk management solutions

  • Monitor crop conditions and assess crop production

  • Understand areas suitable for growing crops

  • Identify the types of crops that are being grown

  • Quantify risks to crops such as drought, heat, cold, salinity, flooding and pests

  • Detect precipitation anomalies and devise early-warning systems

 This case study talks about determining how much arable land remains undeveloped and how much fertile ground has been lost.

How can we help?

Analyze crop conditions and assess production


Remotely analyze crops for drought, heat, cold, salinity, flooding and pests

Evaluate efforts to stabilize and mitigate desertification


Analyze the effects of desertification

Climate change is affecting vegetation health and desertification, which happens when fertile land becomes unproductive. Impacts from this directly threaten the food security and the livelihoods of more than two billion people.

Measure and understand desertification with NV5 remote sensing technology

  • Identify factors contributing to desertification

  • Evaluate early warning signs and predict trends

  • Monitor and assess desertification and land degradation

  • Measure the loss of biological productivity

  • Analyze the effects of desertification

  • Evaluate efforts to stabilize and mitigate desertification

 This case study seeks to understand the impacts human interactions have on land resources and desertification.

How can we help?

Climate change has caused a rise in global sea levels, contributing to increased flooding, shoreline erosion and hazards from storms. A large portion of the worldwide population lives in coastal areas, making them particularly vulnerable.

Assess impacts and develop strategies for sea-level rise using remote sensing technology and software

  • Detect sea-level changes and create early warning systems

  • Measure sea ice distribution, surface elevation and melting

  • Assess the vulnerability and implications to coastal areas

  • Develop flood maps that depict the expected hazards

  • Assess the effectiveness of mitigation efforts such as sea walls

 This poster presentation highlights how NV5 technology is used to automatically map ocean and coastline change geographically and temporally.

Climate change has many national security implications. It accelerates instability, increases the need for humanitarian and disaster relief, and affects infrastructure and defense facilities.

Monitor effects of climate change on mission objectives using NV5 technology

  • Understand impact of sea levels on facilities and infrastructure

  • Assess the threats from food and water insecurity

  • Predict the need for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief

  • Locate navigable open water in the Arctic

  • Assess ground trafficability for people and equipment

  • Evaluate climate mitigation and adaptation measures

 This case study talks about the Department of Defense modelling various climate scenarios to understand the effects of flood inundation on bases and infrastructure.

Climate change is causing distress to many forests including invasive species, insect outbreaks and wildfires.

Understand climate change effects on forests with NV5 technology and software solutions

  • Support forest management and conservation

  • Locate and map invasive species

  • Estimate biophysical and biochemical properties

  • Assess vegetation cover, structure, chemistry and moisture

  • Understand biodiversity and soil characteristics

  • Determine risks such as fuel loads and assess overall forest health

  • Map, monitor and quantify forest deforestation and degradation

  • Monitor forest cover change both spatially and temporally

 This video case study talks about monitoring the Brazilian Amazon Forest for deforestation and degradation.


As a trusted advisor to the scientific community, private organizations and governments around the world, NV5 has made it easy to work with us to monitor impacts of climate change and measure progress towards sustainability goals. We offer flexible software licensing options for both the desktop and the enterprise. In addition, we can develop climate science custom solutions to meet your specific requirements and also provide over-the-shoulder advice and custom training.

We Transform Climate Analysis Into a Science

As the image science experts, we have the know-how to take your climate analysis to the next level. Let's get started today!