Solutions to Help Enforce Regulations, Protect Resources, and Save Lives


Analytics, Insights and Answers for Federal Civil Government Organizations

NV5 Geospatial has supported civilian and government organizations for more than four decades with proven geospatial data, technology and solutions. Our tools are embedded within the government to monitor land-use and the environment, support sustainable development and provide actionable intelligence to first responders. Whether you need to monitor infrastructure, improve community resiliency or classify land cover, our programs can help.

NV5 Geospatial Fed/Civil Capabilities

We have a wide array of geographic solutions and technologies that are ready to help you get your mission-critical job done whether you’re working in a national command center or supervising the situation from an office at home.

  • Spectral Analysis
solutions for spectral analysis

Spectral analysis used to identify features.

ENVI® has more than 70 off-the-shelf spectral indices, so you can manage vegetation and monitor burned areas, man-made (built-up) features, water, and geologic features.

  Spectral Analysis in ENVI Data Sheet

use deep learning to assess damage

Deep learning used for disaster response.

Deep Learning is not just a buzzword at NV5. We have Deep Learning software that is intuitive and easy to use for applications like well-pad extraction, invasive species identification, or examining building rubble from a safe distance.

better understand land displacement with SAR data

Displacement map created using SAR analytics.

With all the new data sources coming online, SAR data is proving to be a game changer with the ability to monitor micro-movements at a whole new level without being restricted by time of day or cloud cover. NV5 has SAR processing and analysis software that enables you to extract information from SAR data regardless of if you are a SAR novice or expert.

leverage your analytics accross the enterprise

NV5 Geospatial has developed an array of enterprise solutions tailor-made for users at all stages of enterprise deployment. Whether you want to scale up your ENVI/IDL desktop processing or get a rapid answer from a large data set, we have the solution for you.



SAR Webinar Series


Read how SAR technology transformed the monitoring of critical infrastructure in Hungary.


Vegetation Mgmt Resource Guide


See how remote sensing data and technologies are solving vegetation management challenges.



  GSA Price Schedule

  Choice Credit Program



Fed/Civil Solutions at Work

disaster management

Disaster Management

Man-made and natural disasters are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity, straining resources and challenging community resilience. To help combat these disasters, local, state and federal governments turn to NV5 Geospatial to help before, during and after these events. Our technology is used to plan for and mitigate risks and hazards and manage the response and recovery efforts when disaster strikes. Learn more     

climate science

Climate Science

To study or address the effects of climate change, you need quantitative information. ENVI image processing and analysis software is used to get a common operating picture and generate insights and answers, so you can understand and respond to our changing climate.
Learn more                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

mining exploration and protection

Mineral Exploration/Protection

With our 70 spectral libraries, including USGS latest version 7, ENVI gives users the power to spectrally explore large regions for mineral content. ENVI has long been trusted as the hyperspectral tool of choice, allowing users to solve tough problems like distinguishing between spectrally similar objects. Easy-to-use workflows and tools like Spectral Analyst enable users to make educated decisions on where to focus exploration efforts.

understnading urban development

Urban Development

In an ever-changing landscape, the ability for cities, counties, and states to stay on top of urban development is paramount. With intuitive workflows like feature extraction and deep learning, you can extract everything from roads and buildings, to oil pads and bodies of water. ENVI’s scientific programming language, IDL, allows you to take vetted workflows and automate them to classify larger regions more efficiently.

land cover classification

Land Cover Classification

NV5 offers off-the-shelf solutions for traditional land classification to more cutting-edge analysis using deep learning technologies. Need a more sophisticated monitoring service? We can do that too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Monitoring Infrastructure with remote sensing

Monitor Infrastructure

Using remotely sensed data is a cost-effective way to monitor infrastructure like roads, bridges and dams while reducing the need for human inspections and detecting risks. NV5 Geospatial has a variety of solutions to help accurately monitor infrastructure. Our optical and SAR analysis software is the industry standard and we provide monitoring services to give you the answers you need to make informed decisions.
Learn more


Uses of NV5 Geospatial Technology


As a trusted advisor to the government, NV5 Geospatial has made it easy to work with us. We offer flexible licensing options, are on the GSA schedule, offer home-use licenses and develop custom solutions to meet specific missions. In addition, our Choice Credits program gives your organization seamless access to one-on-one over the shoulder advice, custom training and more.

We Transform Fed/Civil Management Into a Science

As the image science experts, we have the know-how to support government agencies and local communities. Contact us today!