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Last Post 10 Oct 2023 09:34 AM by  John Meyer
histogram - change the binsize
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New Member

New Member

02 May 2014 04:20 AM
    Hi everyone, when I get the histogram values, I showed the binsize was equal to 17. How can I have a binsize = 1 ? I looked in "compute statistics" but I couldn't find where to modify that parameter... Thank you, Catherine

    Berangere Casson

    New Member

    New Member

    05 May 2014 04:52 AM
    The BIN size cannot currently be controlled in ENVI. We already reported such request to the development so it would be perhaps available in a future version of the product. However it is possible (if you have an ENVI+IDL license) to control this value using the following IDL routine: HISTROGRAM. I added a link to the IDL documentation for this routine http://www.exelisvis.com/docs/HISTOGR...

    John Meyer

    New Member

    New Member

    10 Oct 2023 09:34 AM
    Has this issue been resolved? I have a raster image with value of each pixel that range from 0 to 0.06. I have created 16 ROI's covering different areas of the image that I want to generate statistics for. The problem is every ROI has a different range of values, therefore the bin size is different and I can't easily compare the statistics from the different ROI's. I want to set the minimum value, maximum value, and bin size prior to generating the statistics. Thanks.
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