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Last Post 23 Sep 2020 09:21 AM by  Morgan Bond
no data value dropped in layer stack
 2 Replies
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Morgan Bond

New Member

New Member

21 Sep 2020 10:03 AM
    I have a large Worldview 3 scene that is composed of a panchromatic image and a multispectral image. I am using ENVI modeler to create a layer stack of the pan, multispectral, and some veg indices (e.g. NDVI). I need the resulting stack to be in byte data format (0-255)

    At the start of my process the multispectral and pan band images have a no data value of 0. From the multispectral I create the indices I need, then perform a linear percent stretch raster. I also stretch the multispectral band and the pan band, and feed all three of those into an aggregator node. From the aggregator I put them into a "build layer stack" and output the result.

    The resulting file does not have a "data ignore value" in the header, and I cannot add one (there is no field) if I try to edit the header information. The areas that were originally "no data" no have a value of either 0 or 255 depending upon the band. I could mask the raster by data values, but I am worried that the 0 or 255 for each band will be inconsistent, and I would like to use this process for other novel images.

    So, I am interested in workarounds. Is there another wat to carry the data ignore areas through the process? Could I make an roi out of them somehow at the beginning and mask with that at the end? Thanks.

    System info:
    ENVI 5.6
    Windows 10


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    23 Sep 2020 07:47 AM
    I am not surprised the DIV is lost when layer stacking. SInce the DIV can only be a single value for all bands, I think you are going to have to create a mask of your pixels to ignore that are based on *all* bands and apply the mask so there is a single value for DIV. Then you could use Mask Raster by Data values task (or mask by ROI) to apply the DIV again.

    Morgan Bond

    New Member

    New Member

    23 Sep 2020 09:21 AM
    Thanks Mari. The problem I have is that the 0-255 stretch means that there is now no value that can be used for DIV without changing the data type, which I don't want to do. Its as if I need to specify a 1-255 stretch to leave 0 free for DIV.
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