Requesting technical support from NV5 Geospatial Software - FAQ

When you encounter a problem or have questions concerning ENVI, IDL, Jagwire or other NV5 Geospatial Software products the following information is useful to provide so that we can quickly address your inquiry.


How do I contact Technical Support?

To report a problem to 
NV5 Geospatial Software Technical Support, contact us using the information below. Please note that you will need to be current on maintenance to work directly with our Support team. If your maintenance is not current, please see additional resources at the bottom of this article.     



What information do I need to send?

Sometimes, a problem only occurs when running on a certain machine, operating system, or graphics device. For these reasons, providing the following information can be very useful:
  • Your Maintenance ID number.
  • The version of ENVI, IDL or Jagwire you are running.
  • The type of machine it is running on (Windows, Mac, Linux).
  • The operating system version it is running under.
  • The type and version of your windowing system if you are on Linux.
  • The graphics device, if the problem involves graphics and you know what graphics device is on your system.


What additional information do I need to send?

When describing the problem or question you have, please be sure to include specific error messages and steps to reproduce the problem. If you are working with IDL code, a small reproduce case is very helpful for our engineers to test. If working with specific types of data or images, describing the data format and providing a sample dataset may be requested. 


What other resources can I use to solve my problem?

The Release Notes that accompany each release include information about new features in that release, bug fixes, and known problems, which may be of help. In addition, the ENVI and IDL help systems can also be a good source of information for questions about functionality. 

Help Articles are also a good place to look for procedures to solve specific problems.


Additional Resources:

You can also search the Documentation Center and/or Community Forums.


Reviewed 9/10/2014 KK; 3/16/2016; 6/1/2016 kk, 2/23/2018 kk