What to do if ENVI/IDL are crashing on MacOS due to an XML, Xerces or libc++abi “TranscodingException” error

What to do if ENVI/IDL are crashing on MacOS due to an XML, Xerces or libc++abi “TranscodingException” error


NOTE: This issue could affect any version of ENVI/IDL on any platform but is most likely to occur on MacOS.   Problem: When launching ENVI on MacOS, you may encounter a crash as it loads up. Depending on how ENVI was launched, the crash may or may not be accompanied by the following error... Read More >

CURSOR procedure freezes IDL or behaves unexpectedly when running IDL remotely via SSH on MacOS

CURSOR procedure freezes IDL or behaves unexpectedly when running IDL remotely via SSH on MacOS


PROBLEM: This issue only occurs when IDL is run remotely via SSH from another computer while you are physcially sitting at a MacOS computer. The remote machine may either be Linux or MacOS. The typical access method is through something like "ssh -X". When using the CURSOR procedure in IDL and clicking within the graphics... Read More >

ENVI 5.6 and IDL 8.8 are not compatible with MacOS 12 Monterey, but here’s a work-around

ENVI 5.6 and IDL 8.8 are not compatible with MacOS 12 Monterey, but here’s a work-around


Apple released the newest iteration of MacOS, known as Monterey or MacOS 12, in October 2021. This version of MacOS is not officially supported by ENVI 5.6.x or IDL 8.8.x and there are known issues, mainly: ENVI will not launch at all. IDL graphics may fail to display, giving the following error output:     ... Read More >

How to fix hanging or freezing IDL graphics windows on MacOS

How to fix hanging or freezing IDL graphics windows on MacOS


PROBLEM: You may experience a persistent issue on MacOS in which spawning any IDL graphics windows will freeze or hang IDL, with the entire program becoming unresponsive. This can happen in both IDLDE and IDL Command Line. It is most common on MacOS 10.15+ versions. SOLUTION (PART ONE): Most of the time, this issue is related to... Read More >

NV5 Geospatial Software product support for the Apple Silicon (ARM-based) macOS platform

NV5 Geospatial Software product support for the Apple Silicon (ARM-based) macOS platform


The upcoming IDL 8.8.1 and ENVI 5.6.1 product update (release expected in late summer 2021) has been successfully tested to run and will be supported on the new ARM-based Apple Silicon / M1 platform with macOS 11 (Big Sur).  IDL and ENVI on this platform require use of the Rosetta 2 translation environment and a compatible version of... Read More >