ENVI 5.5.2 Release Notes
See the following sections:
For the latest release notes, please see the Help Articles section of the Harris Geospatial Solutions website.
System Requirements
Please see Platform Support for ENVI 5.5.2 and IDL 8.7.2.
New Features
The new Dimensionality Expansion tool creates additional bands in a multispectral image by computing second-order statistics and other nonlinear transforms on the original bands. Dimensionality expansion is a mathematical technique to increase multispectral data dimensionality in a nonlinear fashion so that standard hyperspectral linear methods can perform better at both pure- and mixed-pixel detection and classification. These hyperspectral methods include Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP), Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM), Matched Filter (MF), and Adaptive Coherence Estimator (ACE). The additional bands are created by computing the square roots, natural logs, auto-correlations (squares), and cross-correlations of the input bands.
The new Spectral Library Dimensionality Expansion tool runs dimensionality expansion on a spectral library. If you perform dimensionality expansion on image data, you must run the same expansion on any spectral library data you use.
The new Download Web Data menu option lets you download remote sensing data from the web, extract the data, and open the data directly in ENVI. This feature is available on Windows 64-bit systems and Linux 64-bit systems (with Kernel 3.10.0 or later and glibc 2.17 or later).
The Reproject Raster tool has a simpler user interface.
The Layer Stacking tool has a simpler user interface with new options to define the output extent based on the geometric intersection or union of the input images.
In the Seamless Mosaic workflow, mosaics created from multispectral images now have a band-interleaved-by-pixel (BIP) format. This significantly reduces processing time. Mosaics of single-band images will continue to have a band-sequential (BSQ) interleave.
Reading MIE4NITF files is significantly faster, especially with large files.
New spectral filter functions are available for Sentinel-2A and -2B.
A new Duplicate Selected right-click option lets you copy and paste annotation items in a view.
You can delete multiple pixel-based and polygon-based ROI records by holding down the Shift key, then drawing a polygon around the records to remove.
ArcGIS® Integration
ENVI Py 1.2 provides support for the ENVICOORDSYS data type. As a result, ENVIReprojectRaster can be deployed as a standalone tool in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. See the Running ENVI Analytics in ArcGIS Pro Tutorial to learn more.
ENVI Modeler Updates
A new Filter Iterator node executes an operation only when a specified condition is met. This node iterates through a collection of data while also applying the specified condition.
A Run Model in Debug Mode option was added to the ENVI Modeler menu bar. When the model runs, an Execution Report dialog reports the execution times for individual nodes and for the entire model. It also reports the values used for task parameters.
Multiple Aggregator nodes can be combined; for example, using one Aggregator node to close a loop introduced by an Iterator node, and using another Aggregator node to collect items into an array.
More examples are provided in the documentation for Iterator and Aggregator nodes.
If a model produces text or numeric values, you can view those values in a dialog by connecting them to a View node.
The NITF/NSIF Module supports the following Tagged Record Extensions:
- CSATTB and CSATTB_DESDATA: Common Sensor Attitude Data
- CSCSDB and CSCSDB_DESDATA: Common Sensor Covariance Support Data
- CSEPHB: Common Sensor Ephemeris Data
- CSEXRB: Common Sensor Exploitation Reference Data
- CSSFAB and CSSFAB_DESDATA: Common Sensor Field Alignment Data
- CSSHPA: Common Sensor Shapefile
- CSSHPB and CSSHPB_DES: Common Sensor Shapefile
- CSWRPB: Common Sensor Warping Terms
- RSMAPB: Replacement Sensor Model Adjustable Parameters
- RSMDCB: Replacement Sensor Model Direct Error Covariance
- RSMECB: Replacement Sensor Model Indirect Error Covariance
- STREOA: Stereo Information
ENVIReprojectRasterTask is no longer based on the ENVIReprojectRaster virtual raster.
New ENVITasks
Task |
Description |
ENVIBinaryAutomaticThresholdRasterTask |
Create an image where values above a specified threshold are set to 1 and all other values are set to 0. The task uses a predefined thresholding method to create the binary image. |
ENVICalculateGridDefinitionFromRasterIntersectionTask |
Create a grid definition from an array of rasters whose spatial extent encompasses the area where the rasters overlap. |
ENVICalculateGridDefinitionFromRasterUnionTask |
Create a grid definition from an array of rasters whose spatial extent encompasses all of the rasters. |
ENVICalculateRasterThresholdTask |
Calculate a threshold value for each band in a raster, as input to ENVIBinaryGTThresholdRasterTask or ENVIBinaryLTThresholdRasterTask. |
ENVIDimensionalityExpansionRasterTask |
Create an image that contains an expanded number of bands created from various non-linear transforms. Having additional bands increases the dimensionality of a raster, which can help improve accuracy in some hyperspectral target detection and classification algorithms. |
ENVIDimensionalityExpansionSpectralLibraryTask |
Perform dimensionality expansion on a spectral library, to match the data space of a dimensionality expansion raster. |
ENVIExtractROIsFromFileTask |
Open one or more ROIs from a specified location. |
ENVIPixelStatisticsTask |
Compute statistics for each pixel in a raster, resulting in a new image where each band represents a different statistic computed from an input image. |
New Routines
Routine |
Description |
ENVIDimensionalityRaster |
Create an image that contains an expanded number of bands created from various non-linear transforms. Having additional bands increases the dimensionality of a raster, which can help improve accuracy in some hyperspectral target detection and classification algorithms. |
Backward-Compatibility Notes
The EXPORT_AREA and EXPORT_CLASS_CLRS properties were removed from ENVIClassificationToShapefileTask.
Fixed Issues
Issue |
Description |
ENVI-71566 |
The Seamless Mosaic GUI could not be expanded. |
ENVI-71665 |
The requirement for pyramids in Stretch on View Extent was not documented in the help. |
ENVI-71647 |
The ENVI Modeler tutorial file crashed with a "key does not exist" error message. |
ENVI-71665 |
The requirement of building pyramids to use "Stretch on View Extents" was not documented in the help. |
ENVI-71669 |
Permissions settings in the Linux RPM file installer prevented the ENVI task engine process from using buffer licensing or a manually installed server licensing file. |
ENVI-71670 |
The Seamless Mosaic tool could not handle long filenames or pathnames. |
ENVI-71673 |
ROI/EVF options were not available in the Compute Statistics tool even if an ROI was loaded. |
ENVI-71677 |
ENVITopographicModelingTask returned NaN output raster data values. |
ENVI-71714 |
Sentinel-2 filter functions did not match those of ESA for 2A or 2B. |
ENVI-71716 |
Setting a data ignore value on PNG images with alpha channels set all data values to 0. |
ENVI-71742 |
The Attribute Viewer for vectors did not display Japanese characters correctly. |
ENVI-71746 |
The default kernel size in the Topographic Modeling tool changed from 3 to 2, which resulted in empty output. |
ENVI-71774 |
The ENVINITFMetadata API routine swapped TRE values and description fields. |