What’s New in ENVI SARscape 6.1
- The most meaningful developments are listed here below:
- Flooding Map: New tool to generate Flood maps.
- Velocity: New tool to estimate the speed of moving targets in SAR imagery.
- Automatic Displacement Modeling: This new tool is capable of autonomously performing both non-linear and linear inversion sequences to determine the slip distribution of a seismic event.
New Features
SARscape GUI – Dark Mode
Possibility to use SARscape in Dark Mode.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/Fucheng-1
Preliminary support for data acquired by the Fucheng-1 SAR C-band satellite.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/NISAR
Preliminary support for data acquired by the L-Band NISAR SAR satellite. The supported products are RSLC and GSLC.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/HT-1
Preliminary support for data acquired by the HT-1 (HONGTU-1/PIESAT 1A) SAR X-band sensor satellite.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/HJ 2E
Preliminary support for data acquired by the HJ (Huan Jing) 2E SAR S-band satellite.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/Synspective
New support for Starring Spotlight mode images.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/ICEYE
New support for DWELL mode images.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/Lutan-1
New support for bistatic mode images.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/GAOFEN
New support for TopSAR mode images.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne/Single Sensor/EOS-04
New support for the following formats SLC tiff, geo tiff and GRD tiff.
Basic/Feature Extraction/Flood
New set of tools to generate Flood maps.
Basic/Feature Extraction/Activity Index
New tool to monitor the activity over certain AOIs based on the backscatter signal.
Basic/Moving Target Detection/Velocity
New tool to estimate the speed of moving targets in SAR imagery.
Basic/Moving Target Detection/Moving Target Detection
Possibility to compute the Moving Target Detection tool in the Frequency Domain.
Interferometry/Displacement Modeling/Automatic Inversion single source/Automatic inversion
Possibility to automatically determine the slip distribution of a seismic event.
Import Data/SAR Spaceborne
Possibility to fill isolated zero-value (dummy) pixel clusters within the SAR image.
Import Data/ SAR Spaceborne/Sentinel-1
The import Sentinel-1 tool retrieves the orbital data through the ASF and the Copernicus Data Space services.
Import Data/ SAR Spaceborne/Gaofen-3
Automatic orbit correction.
Import Data/ SAR Spaceborne/Lutan-1
Automatic orbit correction.
Import Data/Download/Sentinel Auxiliary Files Download
Sentinel Auxiliary Files download tool retrieves the orbital data through the ASF and the Copernicus Data Space services.
Basic/Intensity Processing/Filtering/Single Image Filtering
Major improvement on the Refined Lee filter to remove the artefacts.
Basic/Intensity Processing/Geocoding
Geocoding process speed-up for coregistered data (optional).
Basic/Feature Extraction
Speed-up of the process.
Several improvements have been made to the Stereo-Radargrammetry DEM generation tools:
- Full CPU parallelization to improve processing performance
- Increased quality and precision of the results
- Reduction of estimation noise and of false matching
Interferometric Stacking/SBAS & E-SBAS/E-SBAS
Possibility to run the E-SBAS processing chain in a Cluster environment.
Interferometric Stacking/SBAS & E-SBAS/E-SBAS
Optimization of the Reference Point selection procedure using both phase coherence and mu/sigma values.
General Tools/Mosaicking/Slant Range Mosaicking
Possibility to process frames acquired along different relative orbit number. The tool will generate a separate mosaic for each orbit number.
General Tools/Sample Selection
Speed-up of the process. It is most effective when using AOI with complex shapes.
PFA data
Several improvements have been made on the management of Polar Format data (PFA):
- Geocoding and Interferometric Flattening Speed-up
- Baseline Estimation precision improvement
- Stereo Matching accuracy improvement
List of modifications compared to SARscape 5.7.0:
- SARscape Activity Index, SARsActivityIndex
- SARscape Process Flooding, SARsBasicFeFloodingClassificationSmoothing
- SARscape Process Flooding Classification, SARsBasicFeFloodingClassification
- SARscape Import HJ-2, SARsImportHJ2Format
- SARscape Import HT-1, SARsImportHt1Format
- SARsImportHt1Format, SARsImportNISAR
- SARscape IMPORT SV-2, SARsImportSV2
- SARscape IMPORT LuTan-1, SARsImportLuTan1
- SARscape IMPORT Fucheng-1, Import Fucheng-1
- SARscape Velocity Sensitivity Plot, SARsVelocitySensitivityPlot
The parameter Fill dummy during import has been added
The parameter Apply calibration constant has been renamed as Fill dummy during import
- Import SPACETY: The tool Import Spacety as been renamed as Import Hisea-1
- Sentinel-2 automatic Download
Previous naming: SARscape Sentinel-2 automatic download, SARsToolSciHubGetS2
New naming: SARscape Sentinel-2 automatic download, SARsToolMultiGetOptical
- Coregistration: The parameter INPUT_SHAPE_FILE_NAME has been removed
- Ratio: New parameter available: IMAGES_SORTED_BY_ACQUISITION_TIM
- Despeckle Multi-temporal DeGrandi: The parameter Output WT has been renamed as Keep Wavelet Thresholded files
- Intensity Time Series:
The parameter Make cmg RGB has been renamed as Make CovMinGrad RGB
- Ship Detection: The parameter DO CLASSIFICATION has been removed
- Geocoding and Radiometric Calibration: The Normalization Method parameter has been removed
- Image Conversion to Ground Range: The parameter Apply Calibration Constant has been renamed as apply_calibration_constant_flag
- Image Conversion to Ground Range: The parameter Apply Calibration Constant has been renamed as apply_calibration_constant_flag
- Image Conversion to Slant Range: The parameter Apply Calibration Constant has been renamed as apply_calibration_constant_flag
- DEM Fusion support weighted average: The parameter High Resolution Dem has been removed
- GPS Filtering-Undersampling: The parameter INPUT_REFERENCE_FILE_LIST has been removed
- DEM Fusion support weighted average: The following parameters has been removed:
- High Resolution Weight
- Low Resolution Weight
The following parameters has been renamed:
- High Resolution Dem has been renamed as Dem File1
- Weight Type1 has been renamed as Weight File1
- Low Resolution Dem has been renamed as Dem File2
- Weight Type2 has been renamed as Weight File2
- E-PS Adaptive Filtering: The parameter MINI_STACK_SIZE has been added
- Phase to Height Conversion and Geocoding: The parameter Shape Max Number of Points has been added
- Stereo Shift to Height Conversion and Geocoding: The parameter Shape Max Number of Points has been added
- PS Edit Connection Graph: the following parameters have been added:
- PS Geocoding: The parameter PS_SMOOTH_TS has been added
- ESBAS Geocoding: The parameter The parameter Shape Max Number of Points has been
- Stereo Cluster: The following parameters have been added:
the following parameters have been removed:
- Stereo Radargrammetry: The following parameters have been added:
the following parameters have been removed:
- Interferometric Data Coregistration: The parameter INPUT_SHAPE_FILE_NAME has been removed
- Moving Target Detection: The parameter EXTRACTION_DOMAIN has been added
- Convert point shapes to tiles: The parameter USE_LOCAL_COORDINATES has been added
- Sentinel-1 aux download: The parameter SELECT_DOWNLOAD_SERVICE has been added
- Sentinel Auxiliary Files MultiDownload: The parameter SELECT_DOWNLOAD_SERVICE has been added
- Digital Elevation Model Extraction DTED: The parameter Scene Limit Increment has been added
- Generate Quick Look: The parameter QL_COMMAND_TYPE has been added
- Update Orbital Data for SENTINEL1: The following parameters have been added:
- SARscape_Preference
- SARscape Sentinel-2 automatic download, SARsToolMultiGetOptical
Third-Party Libraries
List of modifications compared to SARscape 5.7.0:
- Armadillo version 12.6.4
- bzip2 version 1.0.8
- half version 2.1.0
- jbig version 20160605
- libdeflate version 1.19
- libiconv version 1.17
- libstdc++ version 6.0.30 (Linux only)
- lzma version 9.2
- proj version 9.3.0
- webp version 1.3.2
- zstd version 1.5.5
- Alan update to version 1.8.1
- Assimp update to version 5.2.2
- Boost update to version 1.83.0
- Ceres update to version 2.1.0
- Eigen update to version 3.4.0
- Expat update to version 2.5.2
- FileGDB update to version 1.5.2
- GDAL update to version 3.4.3
- GEOS update to version 3.12.0
- GeoTiff update to version 1.7.1
- Glew update to version 2.2.0
- Glfw update to version 2.2.0
- GLM update to version cci.20230113
- Hwloc update to version 2.9.3
- Iomp update to version 2024
- Jsoncpp update to version 1.9.5
- Libarchive update to version 3.7.2
- Libcurl update to version 8.6.0
- libjpeg update to version 9e
- libpng update to version 1.6.40
- LibXML2 update to version 2.12.1
- Mkl update to version 2024
- Netcdf update to version 4.8.1
- OpenCL update to version 2023.04.17
- OpenCV update to version 4.8.1
- openjp2 update to version 2.5.0
- openssl update to version 3.2.1
- PCL update to version 1.13.1
- Qhull update to version 8.0.1
- Shapelib update to version 1.6.0
- six update to version 3.3.0
- Sqlite3 update to version 3.44.2
- Tiff update to version 4.6.0
- TinyXML2 update to version 9.0.0
- zeroMQ update to version 4.3.5
- zlib update to version 1.3.1
- Cll
- FreeImage
- HDF4
- Tbb
Bug fixing
SARscape 6.1.0 includes the bug fixing provided in all the patch released for SARscape 5.7.0 and the last bug fixing not included in former patches.
[20241010] Bug Fix: PS Second inversion memory.
[20241010] Bug Fix: Intensity Time Series workflow.
[20241010] Bug Fix: Polarimetric features.
[20241003] Bug Fix: Radarsat2 Ground Range Import.
[20240916] Bug Fix: CSG Ground Range Geocoding.
[20240916] Change : Sentinel-1 Multidownloader new flag to close the prompt at the end.
[20240912] Bug Fix: Stacking Time Filtering.
[20240912] Change : Task for Slant Range Mosaic(SARsToolsSlantRangeMosaic): multi outputs.
[20240912] Bug Fix: Task fix for Geocoding and Radiometric Calibration, Coregistration, Despeckle Multi-temporal DeGrandi.
[20240912] Bug Fix: De Grandi Spatio-Temporal Filtering keep incremental flag management.
[20240912] Bug Fix: Sentinel-1 Import mosaic and sample selection.
[20240912] New: Preliminary import EOS04 in tif format.
[20240912] Change: QPS doppler estimation only for SLC.
[20240912] Change: HT-1 IM mode management bistatic flag in sml.
[20240912] Bug Fix: Automatic Orbital Correction.
[20240912] Change: Gaofen-3 orbit filtering.
[20240912] New: Preliminary import iceye grd in tif format.
[20240912] Change: GSF Cancel SARscape job management.
[20240912] Bug fix: SICD PFA import extraction of SceneHeading and OrbitConfiguration.
[20240912] Change: Add in task SARscape Process TS Clustering the field SHP TS prefix String.
Starting from the next SARscape major release, the Mosaicking tools (General Tools/Mosaicking) will be reorganized to improve GUI usability.