ENVI Server in (Almost) 60 Seconds
ENVI Server lets you run processing in parallel or in the background and allows you to take advantage of modern hardware. With ENVI Server, you no longer need to wait for ENVI's progress bars to finish before getting to the next step of your workflows. One of the best features about ENVI Server is that it is free to anyone that has access to ENVI 5.6 or newer. There is no additional fee, license, or module that you need to purchase to use ENVI Server.
You can also use ENVI as a client to ENVI Server. Meaning that, any machine with ENVI Server and access to the same data as your local ENVI Session, can accept processing from ENVI. You can use the ENVI Modeler or ENVI dialogs to send processing to ENVI Server. This allows you to keep using ENVI the same way that you always have to easily take advantage of the power of ENVI Server.
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