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The Future of Weather Observation is Coming Soon! GOES-R


If all goes according to plan, next month the GOES-R weather satellite will be launching and the next generation of weather forecasting, solar activity monitoring, and lightening detection will be here. This advanced satellite will change how quickly and accurately we are able to monitor and predict hazardous weather and help give those in harm’s way the time needed to prepare and evacuate. The GOES-R satellite will include:

Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) – an advanced imager that has 3 times more channels, 4 times better resolution , and 5 times faster than before. All of this leads to better observation of severe storms, fire, smoke, aerosols, and volcanic ash.

Geostationary Lightening Mapper - The lightning mapper will allow mapping of lightning strikes on ground, as well as lightning in the atmosphere. Researchers have found that an increase in lightning activity may be a sign of tornadoes forming, thus providing the data to detect tornadoes faster.

Space Weather Observation - GOES-R will work with NOAA instruments to gather information on radiation hazards from sun that can interfere with communication and navigation systems, damage satellites, threaten power utilities.


Harris Corporation has been supporting NOAA with some aspects on the GOES-R Satellite construction and will be providing the Ground System Support, as well as the 16.4 Meter triband antenna needed to stay in touch with it.

Now what does this have to do with ENVI? Once GOES-R is operational and collecting data, ENVI will be working to support the Harris Weather groups WXconnect systems for data validation and visualization, supporting the ABI data directly in ENVI, as well as working with NOAA to help continue to create advanced products in the future. It is an exciting time for NOAA with this milestone launch and an exciting time to be working with ENVI to get to work the advanced data that will be coming down!

Below are the baseline products, as well as some future products that can be expected.




Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)

Absorbed Shortwave Radiation: Surface

Aerosol Detection (Including Smoke and Dust)

Aerosol Particle Size

Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)

Aircraft Icing Threat

Clear Sky Masks

Cloud Ice Water Path

Cloud and Moisture Imagery

Cloud Layers/Heights

Cloud Optical Depth

Cloud Liquid Water

Cloud Particle Size Distribution

Cloud Type

Cloud Top Height

Convective Initiation

Cloud Top Phase


Cloud Top Pressure

Currents: Offshore

Cloud Top Temperature

Downward Longwave Radiation: Surface

Derived Motion Winds

Enhanced "V" / Overshooting Top Detection

Derived Stability Indices

Flood/Standing Water

Downward Shortwave Radiation: Surface

Ice Cover

Fire/Hot Spot Characterization

Low Cloud and Fog

Hurricane Intensity Estimation

Ozone Total

Land Surface Temperature (Skin)

Probability of Rainfall

Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile

Rainfall Potential

Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile

Sea and Lake Ice: Age


Sea and Lake Ice: Concentration

Rainfall Rate / QPE

Sea and Lake Ice: Motion

Reflected Shortwave Radiation: TOA

Snow Depth (Over Plains)

Sea Surface Temperature (Skin)

SO2 Detection

Snow Cover

Surface Albedo

Total Precipitable Water

Surface Emissivity

Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height

Tropopause Folding Turbulence Prediction

Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)

Upward Longwave Radiation: Surface

Lightning Detection: Events, Groups & Flashes

Upward Longwave Radiation: TOA

Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS)

Vegetation Fraction: Green

Energetic Heavy Ions

Vegetation Index

Magnetospheric Electrons & Protons: Low Energy


Magnetospheric Electrons & Protons: Med & High Energy

Solar & Galactic Protons

Magnetometer (MAG)

Geomagnetic Field

Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Suite (EXIS)

Solar Flux: EUV

Solar Flux: X-ray Irradiance

Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI)

Solar EUV Imagery