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Last Post 05 Nov 2002 01:25 PM by  anon
Need a help
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05 Nov 2002 01:25 PM
    A two variale function(x,y) is need to integrate only with a single variable x. But we need to show how the integration prediction values change with the other variale y, for example, y changes from 0 degree to 90 degrees. Say, I need to integrate f(x,0),f(x,1),f(x,2),f(x,3), ...,f(x,90),respectively. Now, IDL's QROMB and QROMO cannot let us use a variable y chang. How can I do this bar? Who can debar this guestion, please tell me a.s.a.p. My email: strayingbird@sina.com

    Deleted User

    New Member

    New Member

    05 Nov 2002 01:25 PM
    Hi, I don't know which version of IDL are you using, but in IDL5.5 you will find the INT_2D function, for computing a double integral of a bivariate function f(x,y). Unlike you can use QROMB or QROMO varying the variable Y explicitly, ie, computing QROMO(f(x,0)),QROMO(f(x,1)),...,QROMO(f(x,90)). Best regards, Luis.
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