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Last Post 26 Feb 2003 09:37 AM by  anon
Playing sound files with IDL
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26 Feb 2003 09:37 AM
    I would like to play sound files with IDL. Is this possible? I can read and write .WAV format sound files using the READ_WAV and WRITE_WAV subroutines but I can't figure out how to play these files. The actual format of the sound files is not that important to me. Ideally, I would like to be able to play .WAV files but I would be satisfied if I could play any format of sound file. Thanks.

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    New Member

    26 Feb 2003 09:37 AM
    IDL does not have an interface for directing output to a computer's soundcard, but if you're on Windows there's probably some things you can do with ActiveX technology. See : http://www.rsinc.com/code...k/search.asp?FID=135 for an example.
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