Dear NV5 Geospatial Support and IDL fans. I am asking this question again, in an updated context. I am running IDL 8.8 with the new flexnetls license server on Linux. Question: How do I extract statistics of user activity, i.e., licenses checked in and out, etc from the server logs? This was possible with the old IDL 8.5 and older versions, with the flexlmgrd license server. The log file is a very useful feature, essential to understand the pattern of activity, for accounting purposes, etc. The old flexlmgrd license server would even rotate the log files, switch to a new file every so often, tag the log files with date stamps, etc. There two types of logs in /var/opt/flexnetls/idl_lmgrd/logs/: access_YYYY_MM_DD.request.log and flexnetls.log.YYYY_MM_DD However, they don't seem to hold any meaningful information regarding users, how many times a user checked a license in and out, from which client computer IP address, etc, which makes those logs useless. Is this feature available with this new (not-so-new-anymore) flexnetls? How do I configure it to produce meaningful logs from where user statistics can be extracted? Or was this capablity completely lost when IDL migrated to the new license management software? [That would be terrible!] That is a basic requirement for many purposes: accounting, justifying the very purchase of an IDL license, etc. Right now I was asked to produce statistics of IDL use, to justify the license renewal, and I just cannot give my higher ups that information, because the logs are bare and useless. So, not having it is not only bad for me, but also bad for NV5/IDL, as it may lose customers because of this simple, yet fundamental, feature is missing. Thank you, Gus Correa Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University