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Last Post 16 Jan 2019 10:10 AM by  Stavroula Giannakopoulou
Convert an image with BSQ to BIL or BIP
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Stavroula Giannakopoulou

New Member

New Member

15 Jan 2019 10:01 AM
    Hello!I have a very simple question about my image. It' s an image that is radiometrically corrected with bsq interleave. I want to convert it to bil or bip in order to correct it atmospherically with the FLAASH method, but I don't know how!Any advice will be very useful! Thank you very much in advance!


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    15 Jan 2019 01:28 PM
    You can use the Convert Interleave tool to do this:

    If the data is from a known sensor, you can use the Radiometric Calibration tool and select 'FLAASH Settings'. It will convert the data to the expected units and interleave for FLAASH:

    Stavroula Giannakopoulou

    New Member

    New Member

    16 Jan 2019 10:10 AM
    Thank you very much!That was really helpful!
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