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Last Post 15 Nov 2019 01:12 PM by  Prabha Rupasinghe
 4 Replies
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Prabha Rupasinghe

New Member

New Member

13 Nov 2019 03:30 PM
    Hi, I am trying to apply FLAASH to a Landsat 8 image. I receive following error:

    Problem: The FLAASH program exited with the following errors:

    ACC error:Adjacents5:
    IDL error:
    Attempt to subscript VALUE with UAV is out of range.

    ACC_ADJACENTS5 < (9)>
    ACC_HYPER2 <(645)>
    ACC_ACC <(191)>
    ENVI_ACC_EVENT <(3184)>
    IDLRTMAIN <(172)>
    $MAINS$ <( 0)>

    We recently moved the license from an old computer to a new computer. I get this message after transferring the license and did not get it before. Can you please let me know how to get this fixed?
    Thank you


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    14 Nov 2019 07:18 AM
    Can you post your template.txt and the last section of your journal.txt that is produced in the output directory specified in the FLAASH dialog?

    Prabha Rupasinghe

    New Member

    New Member

    14 Nov 2019 11:38 AM
    Hi, Thank you for your reply. Below is template.txt;
    ;Written Thu Nov 14 13:03:35 2019
    ; Project Parameters
    enviacc.prj.radiance_file = E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\2015\radio_20150526.dat
    enviacc.prj.reflect_file = E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\check
    enviacc.prj.filter_func_file = C:\Program Files\Harris\ENVI55\classic\filt_func\landsat8_oli.sli
    enviacc.prj.filter_func_file_index = 0
    enviacc.prj.water_band_choice = 1.13
    enviacc.prj.red_channel = 4
    enviacc.prj.green_channel = 3
    enviacc.prj.blue_channel = 1
    enviacc.prj.water_abs_channel = 0
    enviacc.prj.water_ref_channel = 0
    enviacc.prj.kt_upper_channel = 7
    enviacc.prj.kt_lower_channel = 4
    enviacc.prj.kt_cutoff = 0.0800
    enviacc.prj.kt_ratio = 0.5000
    enviacc.prj.cirrus_channel = 0
    enviacc.prj.water_retrieval = 0
    enviacc.prj.modtran_directory = E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\
    ; MODTRAN Parameters
    enviacc.modtran.visvalue = 40.0000
    enviacc.modtran.f_resolution = 15.0000
    enviacc.modtran.day = 26
    enviacc.modtran.month = 5
    enviacc.modtran.year = 2015
    enviacc.modtran.gmt = 18.4531
    enviacc.modtran.latitude = 57.3048
    enviacc.modtran.longitude = -110.9936
    enviacc.modtran.sensor_altitude = 705.0000
    enviacc.modtran.ground_elevation = 0.2600
    enviacc.modtran.view_zenith_angle = 180.0000
    enviacc.modtran.view_azimuth = 0.0000
    enviacc.modtran.atmosphere_model = 3
    enviacc.modtran.aerosol_model = 1
    enviacc.modtran.multiscatter_model = 2
    enviacc.modtran.disort_streams = 8
    enviacc.modtran.co2mix = 390.0000
    enviacc.modtran.water_column_multiplier = 1.0000
    ; Image Parameters
    enviacc.img.nspatial = 8061
    enviacc.img.nlines = 8141
    enviacc.img.data_type = 4
    enviacc.img.margin1 = 0
    enviacc.img.margin2 = 0
    enviacc.img.nskip = 0
    enviacc.img.pixel_size = 30.0000
    enviacc.img.sensor_name = Landsat-8 OLI
    ; Analysis Parameters
    enviacc.ana.aerosol_scaleht = 1.5000
    enviacc.ana.use_adjacency = 1
    enviacc.ana.output_scale = 10000.0000
    enviacc.ana.output_diagnostic_files = 0
    enviacc.ana.auto_save_template = 1
    enviacc.ana.polishing_res = 0
    enviacc.ana.aerosol_retrieval = 1
    enviacc.ana.calc_wl_correction = 0
    enviacc.ana.reuse_modtran_calcs = 0
    enviacc.ana.use_square_slit_function = 0
    enviacc.ana.convolution_method = fft
    enviacc.ana.use_tiling = 1
    enviacc.ana.tile_size = 2048.0000
    ; GParameters Parameters
    enviacc.gparameters.gfact = 0
    enviacc.gparameters.gval = 0.0000
    enviacc.gparameters.use_lr_method = 0
    enviacc.gparameters.multikernel = 1
    enviacc.gparameters.autoroi = auto
    enviacc.gparameters.selarg = a
    ; Spectral Parameters
    enviacc.spc.wavelength_units = micron
    enviacc.spc.lambda = [
    0.4430, 0.4826, 0.5613, 0.6546, 0.8646, 1.6090, 2.2010]
    enviacc.spc.fwhm = [
    0.016000, 0.060100, 0.057400, 0.037500, 0.028200, 0.084700, 0.186700]
    enviacc.img.p_input_scale = [
    1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000]


    I am not sure how much for the journal you need, so I am including entire Journal.txt below;

    Spectral Sciences Atmospheric Correction Code
    Version 01302013
    ** See Instructions for Use **

    ************* MAIN MENU ***************

    m = set up MODTRAN input file
    r = Run MODTRAN
    h = Hyperspectral data analysis
    a = About FLAASH (Instructions)
    c = Convert existing MODTRAN tape7
    w = Read Warfighter run file, create initial tape5
    q = Quit

    script command h

    Path for output files (except output reflectance cube) is E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\
    Enter u = Use this path or a = select Another path :
    script command u

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command d
    Reading header (if any) from image file E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\2015\radio_20150526.dat
    Enter u = Use this file, a = select Another file (dialog),
    or d = select another file (Direct filename entry) :
    script command u
    Select method for representing instrument spectral filter function.
    Type 1 for calculated function, 2 for a function defined by a file, 3 for external channel definitions passed in.
    ...type 99 to accept default from call.
    script command 99

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command l
    Channel definitions: type 1 to use passed-in default,
    2 to select manually between automatic
    and external-file channel definitions.
    script command 1
    Warning: vegetation parameters not found in channel selection file E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\channel_def.txt
    Loading spectral data...
    24000713 blank pixels out of 65624601 were found.
    *Not displaying RGB radiance image, cirrus cloud image and last-line spectra

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command M
    Select option:
    g = standard GUI interface
    v = visibility setup
    script command call
    Estimated MODTRAN run time: 0.061488998 min
    Estimated MODTRAN run time: 0.061372129 min

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command R
    Run MODTRAN using tape5 in current directory:
    Are you sure? y=yes n=no
    script command y
    Converting tape7 to ACC archive (.fla) file for storage
    Select archive filename
    Opening archive file to write: E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\run0.fla
    Enter u = Use this file, a = select Another file (dialog),
    or d = select another file (Direct filename entry) :
    script command u
    No. of spectra= 1
    No. of spectra= 2
    No. of spectra= 3
    No. of spectra= 4
    No. of spectra= 5
    No. of spectra= 6
    No. of spectra= 7
    No. of spectra= 8
    No. of spectra= 9
    No. of spectra= 10
    No. of spectra= 11
    No. of spectra= 12
    No. of spectra= 13
    No. of spectra= 14
    No. of spectra= 15
    No. of spectra= 16
    No. of spectra= 17
    No. of spectra= 18
    No. of spectra= 19
    No. of spectra= 20
    No. of spectra= 21
    No. of spectra= 22
    No. of spectra= 23
    No. of spectra= 24
    No. of spectra= 25
    No. of spectra= 26
    No. of spectra= 27
    Column water range= 0.764940 to 0.764940 g/cm2
    ( 951.723 to 951.723 atm-cm)
    No. of frequencies= 5293
    File archived
    Use E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\run0.fla as current MODTRAN archive file?
    0 = no
    1 = use as altitude loop file
    2 = use as water loop file
    3 = use as aerosol loop file
    script command 3

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command a
    Generating spatially smoothed image E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\smooth
    Enter 1 to process radiance image E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\2015\radio_20150526.dat (for reflectance determination)
    2 to process reflectance image E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\check (for radiance simulation)
    script command 1.00000
    Smoothing parameters passed in:
    sensor altitude (Km)= 705.000
    IFOV (millirad)= 0.0425532
    aerosol scale height (Km)= 1.50000
    Estimated 1/e scattering range= 0.440100 km
    Loading data cube...
    Generating smoothed image for adjacency correction...
    Convolution kernel dimension is equivalent to 136 image pixels
    ODScale= 0.0161956alpha= 0.0269926
    Writing output to file...

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command k
    Use adjacency correction? y = yes n = no
    script command y
    Pixel selection:
    Enter s (select from list) or a (automatic):
    script command a
    1 to use existing Kaufman-Tanre channels 4- 4 and 7- 7
    3 for manual entry of channels-switch to littoral for more than two bands selected
    4 to use passed-in choice of visibility method: kaufman-tanre
    script command 4
    Read in MODTRAN calc. for long bandpass:
    Reading archive file of previous MODTRAN calculation E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\run0.fla
    (NOTE: this calculation must be appropriate for the current data cube)
    u = Use this file
    a = select Another existing file (dialog)
    d = use Another existing file (Direct filename entry)
    q = Return to the hyperspectral menu
    m = Set up new MODTRAN calculation
    script command u
    Read in MODTRAN calc. for short bandpass:
    Reading archive file of previous MODTRAN calculation E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\run0.fla
    (NOTE: this calculation must be appropriate for the current data cube)
    u = Use this file
    a = select Another existing file (dialog)
    d = use Another existing file (Direct filename entry)
    q = Return to the hyperspectral menu
    m = Set up new MODTRAN calculation
    script command u
    Loading image data...
    Start image line loops
    End image line loops; start retrieval
    Number of pixels rejected by NIR/red ratio method: 4.68525e+007
    Number of pixels rejected for negative long bandpass: 0.000000
    nselect= 8.40907e+006 8.36478e+006 8.32039e+006 8.27612e+006 8.23321e+006
    8.18575e+006 8.14005e+006 8.10802e+006 8.09354e+006
    srhoav= -0.0648552 -0.0495503 -0.0354516 -0.0224929 -0.0106155
    0.00186574 0.0133371 0.0237282 0.0322430
    xreflav= -0.0923113 -0.0772668 -0.0634125 -0.0507012 -0.0390615
    -0.0268478 -0.0156431 -0.00549766 0.00280125
    altvect= 0.200000 0.175417 0.150833 0.126250 0.101667
    0.0770833 0.0525000 0.0279167 0.00333333
    vis= 5.00000 5.70071 6.62983 7.92079 9.83607
    12.9730 19.0476 35.8209 300.000
    lrhoav= 0.0549122 0.0554331 0.0559219 0.0564167 0.0568918
    0.0574270 0.0579603 0.0584517 0.0588834
    Constrained to nonnegative srhoav
    Selected 8.40907e+006 8.36478e+006 8.32039e+006 8.27612e+006 8.23321e+006
    8.18575e+006 8.14005e+006 8.10802e+006 8.09354e+006 pixels
    Avge visibility= 85.9749
    *Not displaying selected dark pixels on RGB radiance image

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command M
    Select option:
    g = standard GUI interface
    v = visibility setup
    script command call
    Estimated MODTRAN run time: 0.0075898320 min
    Estimated MODTRAN run time: 0.0074234596 min

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command R
    Run MODTRAN using tape5 in current directory:
    Are you sure? y=yes n=no
    script command y
    Converting tape7 to ACC archive (.fla) file for storage
    Select archive filename
    Opening archive file to write: E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\acc_modroot.fla
    Enter u = Use this file, a = select Another file (dialog),
    or d = select another file (Direct filename entry) :
    script command u
    No. of spectra= 1
    No. of spectra= 2
    No. of spectra= 3
    No. of spectra= 4
    No. of spectra= 5
    No. of spectra= 6
    No. of spectra= 7
    No. of spectra= 8
    No. of spectra= 9
    Column water range= 0.688446 to 0.841434 g/cm2
    ( 856.551 to 1046.90 atm-cm)
    No. of frequencies= 1765
    File archived
    Use E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\acc_modroot.fla as current MODTRAN archive file?
    0 = no
    1 = use as altitude loop file
    2 = use as water loop file
    3 = use as aerosol loop file
    script command 2

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command MSc
    Reading archive file of previous MODTRAN calculation E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\acc_modroot.fla
    (NOTE: this calculation must be appropriate for the current data cube)
    u = Use this file
    a = select Another existing file (dialog)
    d = use Another existing file (Direct filename entry)
    q = Return to the hyperspectral menu
    m = Set up new MODTRAN calculation
    script command u
    Calculating doverb
    *Not displaying surface image of look-up table
    Too few channels to plot calculated MODTRAN spectra
    Completed processing MS MODTRAN calculations
    Center water column value from MODTRAN is 0.764940 gm/cm2
    Type y to use this, n to enter a value
    script command y
    Writing illumination functions to E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\illumination_functions.sli
    Writing illumination functions to E:\Fire Alberta\richardson\illumination_functions.txt

    ************ DATA ANALYSIS MENU *************

    Setup Commands:
    S = I/O Setup, interactive
    s = I/O Setup via serial queries
    d = new radiance Data cube
    l = Load and display radiance data cube
    a = Adjacency algorithm setup (create averaged image)
    q = Quit to main menu

    Processing Commands:
    i = simulate radiance Image from reflectance
    v = aerosol Visibility determination
    k = Kaufman (ratio) visibility retrieval
    c = Column water retrieval
    MSc = User-specified Column water
    r = Reflectance determination
    M = prepare MODTRAN run
    R = run MODTRAN
    WC = Channel Wavelength Correction

    Utility Commands:
    ? = menu help
    p = Plot pixel spectra
    e = display Existing reflectance file

    script command r
    Use adjacency correction? y = yes n = no
    script command y
    The output resolution sets the number of wavelength channels over
    which spectral polishing will be carried out. Values less than 2
    give no polishing. Present value is 2
    Please enter an integer for output resolution, or for present value.
    Polishing resolution passed in=

    Spectral polishing will not be used for resolution= 0
    ACC error...
    IDL error: -144
    Attempt to subscript VALUE with UAV is out of range.
    in context: adjacent5:
    ACC_ADJACENT5 <( 9)> ACC_HYPER2 <( 645)> ACC_ACC <( 191)>
    $MAIN$ <( 0)>

    filter function band centers: 0.442491 0.482764 0.560859
    0.654205 0.863971 1.60908 2.20153
    input image band centers: 0.443000 0.482600 0.561300 0.654600
    0.864600 1.60900 2.20100
    filter function bands used: 0 1 2 3 4 5

    Thank you


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    14 Nov 2019 02:52 PM
    Your settings all look good as far as I can tell. Have you tried setting spectral polishing to off?

    Prabha Rupasinghe

    New Member

    New Member

    15 Nov 2019 01:12 PM
    Hi, It worked. I have not set spectral polishing off before so that must have been the error. Thank you for the support.
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