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Last Post 14 Mar 2022 05:02 PM by  Ben Castellani
netcdf maximum number of variables
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Kostas Tsigaridis

New Member

New Member

26 Oct 2020 07:26 AM
    I am trying to create a netcdf file with IDL that will contain 19,000+ variables. The code executes without errors, but then the file only contains 8191 variables. I know that the netcdf library has a limit that you can overcome by recompiling in older versions (the limit is gone in very new versions), but how can I get this to work in IDL?


    Ben Castellani

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    14 Mar 2022 05:02 PM
    NetCDF should not be limiting the number of variables. It does limit each variable to less than 4GB in size and also the total number of records in the entire file to be less than 2^32 (this is to maintain 32-bit support for the format). Do you know if you are hitting the record limit or file size limit? Either way, IDL's NetCDF libraries have been updated in the last few years to be more current. IDL 8.8.1 ships with the NetCDF C library 4.7.1 which may help with this issue.
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