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Last Post 11 Mar 2024 12:15 PM by  Ben Castellani
path_xy keyword from old contour procedure?
 2 Replies
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Ronn Kling

New Member

New Member

05 Sep 2021 10:29 AM
    I have found the path_xy keyword to be extremely useful when trying to get the xy coordinates for different contour levels.

    Is there another way to do this? I looked at the IDLgrContour and could not find anything.

    Ronn Kling

    Stephane Lataille

    New Member

    New Member

    07 Mar 2024 09:19 AM
    I am trying to do something similar. An image analysis I complete with regions (from label_region), then I am trying to obtain the contour of each region and export them to GeoJSON with attributes. (No ENVI involved, only IDL).

    Ben Castellani

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    11 Mar 2024 12:15 PM
    This isn't directly possible with the IDL CONTOUR function, but there is a sneaky way to can do it using the procedure and the buffer device: https://www.nv5geospatialsoftware.com/Support/Maintenance-Detail/ArtMID/13350/ArticleID/15959/Sneaky-way-to-get-contour-paths-from-CONTOUR-funtion
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