My IDL license worked a few days ago, on Friday October 18. Today it isn't working. My IDL version is 8.7, Envi 5.5. My computer is: MacBook Pro OS: MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 We have a floating licenses. I know the address, and the port, and I've verified I'm using the correct information in the Harris License Administrator. I have an internet connection, and it is connected. I can ping (1) the license server - it answers back. The permissions on license are: 777 for /Applications/harris/license/ 777 for /Applications/harris/license/flexera/ 777 for /Applications/harris/license/flexera-sv/ The message I am getting is: Harris License Administrator IDL 8.7.3, Feb 12 2020 (379705) (darwin x86_64) Mon Oct 18 17:18:48 2021 *** Unable to retrieve computer information. *** Is your license activate utility installed correctly? License Directory: /Applications/harris --------------------------------------------------------- Do you have any suggestions at all? -Marcos