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Last Post 17 Jun 2022 09:32 AM by  MariM
Execution Failed Error - Displacement Mapping
 3 Replies
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Antoin O'Sullivan

New Member

New Member

14 Jun 2022 10:56 AM
    Hello, I ran into an error when attempting to follow the self-paced training video for displacement mapping in SARscape on the ENVI application. After attempting the first step in the video (to run the displacement mapping program from the toolbox) I got an error that said "Execution Failed [Process Import], [Directory not found EC:40020]" It referenced the output folder as a potential cause of the error. I downloaded the course data from the website again, and tried closing and reopening the app, but continued to get the error. Is there a way to fix this?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    15 Jun 2022 02:52 PM
    In the output _WORK directory you set for your Sarscape tool output directory, there should be an process.log file. If you run the process and receive the error again, it will write to this directory an updated file. Near the bottom of the file, it will show where the process stopped or possible errors. Can you please post any errors you may see?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    16 Jun 2022 06:52 AM
    I could reproduce this using SRTM-1 as in the tutorial but if I select SRTM-3 V4 (default) it runs without error. Does this also work for you?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    17 Jun 2022 09:32 AM
    TIL that for SRTM1v3, you have to download the tiles outside ENVI/SARscape and put them in a directory that can be set in the SARscape Preferences.
    For SRTM3, SARscape is able to download the tiles needed directly from the server with free access via FTP.
    I hope this helps.
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