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Last Post 15 Jun 2020 07:05 PM by  asdfsdf asdfsd
Classification function disable
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New Member

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11 Mar 2015 02:23 PM
    I was exploring the tutorial video on ENVI website and found that processing data will classify the point cloud automatically.However, I found that there is no function as "show point features as classification" in my software. I am wondering why is it disabled in my version ofsoftware? I've attached the screenshot.


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    11 Mar 2015 02:38 PM
    Can you tell me what video you saw the option you mention? Perhaps it was a different option in an older version. The greyed out option from Show Point Cloud is usually the Source ID, which is only available when you open more than one LAS file. From the Lidar help: Source ID is a value marked for each file when files are imported into a project. When multiple input files are imported, a different source ID is used for each file. If only one input file is imported, the source ID is not used. To show point features by source ID, the project must contain two or more input files that contain multiple, distinct source ID values.

    Deleted User

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    New Member

    11 Mar 2015 02:56 PM
    Hi Maoqi Sun, Unfortunately, I am not seeing a screenshot. But I will try to offer some suggestions anyways. Processing data in ENVI LiDAR will automatically classify the point cloud. Once you process the point cloud, you should see the point classes appear in the Layer Manager (by default on top left of screen). Turn off the Vectors in the Layer Manager and leave all of the points checked on. Make sure you have 'Color by Height' and 'Shade by Intensity' turned off on the main toolbar to view the points as they are classified by ENVI LiDAR. You can also change the default classified point colors by going into your preferences (File > Preferences). Hopefully this helps! Joe

    Deleted User

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    New Member

    11 Mar 2015 03:13 PM
    Thanks for the reply. The video link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZXSsS1w7aY. On 17:51, the video showed that "show point feature by classification". However, in my software, I only have show point features by frequency, by normal, greyed out by source ID, and by return number. I could not upload my screenshot. But I tried to explain it clearly as much as I could. Thanks for your help in advance.

    Deleted User

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    New Member

    11 Mar 2015 03:17 PM
    Hi Joe, thanks for your reply. I could upload the screenshot to the forum, not sure why. The video I watched is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZXSsS1w7aY. On 17:51, it showed that he did show point features by classification. This is before processing the data. However, in my software, I only have options in the show point features by frequency, by normal, by source ID (greyed out), and by return number.I am wondering the why it does not work in my software. Thanks, Maoqi

    Deleted User

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    New Member

    16 Mar 2015 01:52 PM
    Hi Maoqi, I did a little more digging. That video is actually from a webinar that I did last spring, so I was curious why I didn't see that option in my current version of ENVI LiDAR either. After speaking with the engineers, it turns out that it was not working properly so it was removed until they could get it fixed. All of the classes were shaded gray, making it impossible to tell them apart. I have been informed that it is high on their list to get that functionality working correctly. For now, you should be able to view the point classifications using the option I mentioned above (via the Layer Manager after processing the point cloud). Thanks! Joe

    asdfsdf asdfsd

    New Member

    New Member

    15 Jun 2020 07:05 PM
    Hey, Did you get the solution? I also faced the same error in my <a href="https://ultimateknifekit.com/">website</a> of knife tools review. Can you give the soluion.
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