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Last Post 21 Aug 2018 04:07 PM by  MariM
Combining classified images in ENVI
 4 Replies
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Prabha Rupasinghe

New Member

New Member

17 Aug 2018 01:09 PM
    I am using Sentinel 2 images for image classification for a pretty large area. So I had to break the images into smaller blocks before classification and process them separately. Now I want to do a change detection for the entire area at once. Is there a way to combine these blocks into a one classified image in ENVI? I could not find a specific tool for that. I tried to do it with ArcGIS, but couldn't find a good way to do it. I really appreciate any help on this. Thank you!


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    20 Aug 2018 09:50 AM
    You could use the Seamless Mosaic tool if your images have spatial reference:

    There is also a pixel based mosaicking for images without spatial reference.

    Prabha Rupasinghe

    New Member

    New Member

    20 Aug 2018 12:10 PM
    I tried seamless mosaic before posting the question and it didn't work. I have masked area in my classification and didn't use the mask for mosaic, so got entire out put black. So I gave up that method. After your reply, I tried it again applying the mask and it worked. Just wanted to share what I did wrong, so might help someone.
    Thank you so much for your help Mari!

    Prabha Rupasinghe

    New Member

    New Member

    20 Aug 2018 12:46 PM
    I'm sorry, I have an additional question. Mosaic tool worked for the classified images that had exactly the same classes in same order. But it doesn't work for the tiles with different classes. How do I fix this?


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    21 Aug 2018 04:07 PM
    This is a problem when you subset images and classify them separately. It can turn out that some classes exist in some areas and not others, or areas of overlap are classified differently so when you mosaic them back together, the classes don't match.

    I am not sure I understand what problem you encountered originally that caused you to break the image up in tiles. I think it is best to use the full image for classification because of this problem.
    There is a tool in ENVI called Edit Classification Images that might help here but it is a rather manual process:
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