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Last Post 10 Dec 2019 09:10 AM by  MariM
Downloading ENVI recorded webinar videos
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Nasir Hameed

New Member

New Member

04 Dec 2019 09:35 PM
    I am wondering there is no option available to download ENVI's recorded webinars available online at;

    Particularly, I am interested to learn SAR data analysis for agriculture applications. These relevant recorded webinar videos are also not available
    over ENVI's Youtube channel.

    The users like me who don't have regular internet access prefer to download and listen such useful content to increase understanding
    about the topic they are interested in.

    It would be great if these recorded video sessions can be made available for downloading to ensure widespread accessibility and knowledge sharing.


    Veteran Member

    Veteran Member

    10 Dec 2019 09:10 AM
    Thank you for your question. At the present time, downloading webinar files is not an option. It is something we are looking into.
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