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Last Post 30 Jan 2024 09:42 AM by  Matti Roivainen
Replacing pixel values depending on minimum value band.
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Matti Roivainen

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30 Jan 2024 09:42 AM
    Need help handling MRDR products from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The multispectral data has 72 listed channels inside the header, and their corresponding band centers in nanometers. The pixel values represent reflectance. I have created new band stacks around the wavelengths where the absorption bands I'm looking for reside.

    From these selected bands, a minimum reflectance value has to be found on a pixel basis. I did this with the Compute pixel statistics tool, but it is not suitable for the next step. The minimum reflectance value has to be replaced with the corresponding band center value of that band, which is listed inside the header file. The end product should have a nanometer value for each pixel.

    Is there a tool that I'm missing? Using ENVI 6.0
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