How to manually uninstall FlexNet local or server license
Note: this article is related to FlexNet licensing system.
Starting June, 1st 2023, FlexNet licensing portal is down and so on FlexNet license deactivations need to be completed manually, after migrating licenses to the Next-Gen licensing system:
1. Manual Uninstallation of a Local License (all platforms)
2. Manual Uninstallation of a Server License (Windows & Linux)
- Stop the license server service
- Move to the below folder on the server from which you need to remove a license
Windows: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\flexnetls\idl_lmgrd\
Linux: /var/opt/flexnetls/idl_lmgrd/
- Delete the below files from the above directories
- You can check if deactivation is successful by checking the license features - after restarting the license server
cd INSTALL_DIR\flexnetls-x64_windows-xxxx.xx.x\enterprise
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070 -features
cd INSTALL_DIR/flexnetls-x64_linux-xxxx.xx.x/enterprise
./flexnetlsadmin.sh -server http://localhost:7070 -features
Where INSTALL_DIR is the license server installation directory
The output should not list any feature