How to install and license ENVI 6.1 and SARscape 6.1

The below detailed steps will help to perform a fresh installation of ENVI 6.1 and SARscape 6.1 and how to license it.

Log in to your account on our new download page: https://www.nv5geospatialsoftware.com/Product-Downloads

PS: Our download page has changed since 15.04.24 and if you have not registered since then, you need to freshly register on our new download page.

If you have already created a new account but have forgotten your password, use the “reset password” function.
If there are any questions or issues, please contact technical support.

A) Download the following products for your operating system:
1) ENVI 6.1
2) SARscape 6.1
3) Next-Generation License Server
> Also download the “Install Guide” for each product. It will help to identify the system requirements and how to install and license our products.

> Note that a Next-Gen License Server now needs to be installed and used in order to activate a SARscape or SARscape Analytics license.

B) Proceed with the following Installation steps: 
1) Install ENVI 6.1 on your machine.
2) Install SARscape 6.1 on your machine. 
Follow the OpenCL Installation, if needed. See SARscape Install Guide for more information.
3) Install the Next-Generation License Server on your or on a dedicated machine.

C) Licensing:
As mentioned above, SARscape licenses needs to be activated on a NG License Server.
Activate your licenses on your NG License Server, using the new license server GUI or the command prompt.

Licensing Instructions for Linux can be found here: https://www.nv5geospatialsoftware.com/docs/install-linux.html#AdminGUI   

Licensing Instructions for Windows can be found here. https://www.nv5geospatialsoftware.com/docs/install-windows.html#AdminGUI 

Example for Windows activation with the GUI:
- License activation, using the new NG license server GUI:
Open the License Administrator “license_administrator.exe” as administrator from the following directory “C:\Program Files\NV5\license_server\bin”. 
(PS: If the license server GUI does not start, please use these steps to solve this issue) 

Activate your licenses with “Activate License” and by entering the valid activation codes and quantity of your licenses. 

After successfully activated, you should find your active licenses under “View License”.

In addition, you can also open your web browser and enter the following URL to access the new license server dashboard: http://localhost:4080/dashboard/ 

D) Connect your machine with your NG license server
Connect your (client) machine with your NG license server. This step is also needed, if everything is installed on the same machine.
Open the "ENVI-IDL License Administrator" from your ENVI directory e.g. "C:\Program Files\NV5\ENVI61" with admin permissions and use "Use License Server" and enter your server name or IP address of your license server machine and press "connect".
PS: If the NG license server is installed on the same machine where your ENVI/IDL/SARscape installation is available, you can enter "localhost" instead of the "server name".

After successfully connected, you should be able to start ENVI 6.1.

E) Install the latest SARscape patch:    **Mandatory step for SARscape to become fully functional
To make sure that all known bugs or issues in SARscape have been fixed, we recommend regularly checking in the ENVI toolbox under “SARscape > Last patch available” whether the latest SARscape patch is installed.

Double click “Last patch available”, download the patch for your operating system, close ENVI and then install the patch and restart ENVI.



created by MT on 11/06/2024; modified by MT on 12/10/2024

reviewed by TS on 11/06/2024