How to Upgrade licenses to ENVI 6.0 / IDL 9.0
What is the new Upgrade function?
With the recent release of our major ENVI 6.0 and IDL 9.0 versions, we have implemented the new “Upgrade” feature, which allows you to automatically upgrade your currently active licenses to the latest versions. This feature checks the licensing portal to determine if a license version upgrade is available for you. If any parts of your currently active license are eligible for an upgrade, you will see a list of upgradable activation codes in the License Administrator, where you can select the licenses you want to upgrade by clicking on "Upgrade".
Note before upgrading your licenses:
1) The "migration" of your license to Next-Gen Licensing System is a precondition for the new “Upgrade” process. For further information on how to migrate to the NG licensing system, see the following help article: How to migrate your active legacy license to a Next-Generation license
2) If your machine is in an offline environment please directly contact Technical Support team.
Upgrade example: Your license was previously activated for ENVI 5.7/IDL 8.9 locally or on a License Server and therefore, your license is eligible for ENVI 5.7/IDL 8.9 and lower versions. If your license is on maintenance and with the release of a new version, e.g. ENVI 6.0 / IDL 9.0 in this case, you can now use the automatic “upgrade” function, instead of manually deactivating and re-activating your license on the same machine, to upgrade your licenses to the latest versions.
- Upgrade local licenses
- Upgrade floating licenses on a NextGen License Server
- Upgrade licenses with the new Next-Generation License Server 4.2.1
- Upgrade licenses with the previous Next-Generation License Server 4.1
- End-user of floating licenses which are active on the NG License Server
1. Upgrade local licenses
To upgrade your local license(s):
1) open the "ENVI-IDL License Administrator" as administrator in your ENVI/IDL directory, e.g. "INSTALL_DIR\NV5\ENVI60"
2) select "Upgrade License" if not already displayed automatically and use the "Upgrade" button to upgrade all older license versions to the latest versions.
2. Upgrade floating licenses on your NextGen License Server:
With the ENVI 6.0 / IDL 9.0 release, a new version of the Next-Generation License Server is also available. The Next-Generation License Server 4.2.1 includes minor updates and can be installed on your system, depending on your needs. Please see the Release Notes to explore new features, fixed issues and updates:
License server 4.2 release notes
a) Upgrade licenses on the new Next-Generation License Server 4.2.1
In case you decide to upgrade from NGLS 4.1 to 4.2.1, simply download the installer and install it on your system to replace your current license server service with the new one. After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to open the "License Administrator - License Server" or you can also manually start the tool by:
1) open the "license_administrator" as administrator in your directory "INSTALL_DIR\NV5\license_server\bin".
2) select "Upgrade License" if not already displayed automatically and use the "Upgrade" button to upgrade all older license versions to the latest versions.
b) Upgrade licenses with the previous Next-Generation License Server 4.1
In case you prefer to stay with Next-Generation License Server 4.1, you would need to manually upgrade your license(s).
The process requires to first deactivate the license(s) you would need to upgrade, to then activate them again, so that the more up-to-date version of your licenses will be available.
To do that:
- Start the "License Administrator - License Server":
- For Windows: run the license_administrator.exe file located in the "INSTALL_DIR\license_server\bin" directory
- For Linux: run the license_administrator.sh file located in the "INSTALL_DIR/license_server/bin" directory
- Select 'Deactivate Licenses' and deactivate the licenses you would need to upgrade
- Once the deactivation is successful, select 'Activate Licenses' and enter the Activation Code and Count corresponding to your licenses
- Check the 'View Licenses' option to confirm that the action succeeded and the version of your licenses is the expected one.
3. End-user of floating licenses which are active on the NG License Server
If you are using a license as a client of a License Server machine, please follow the prompt at the end of the installation and start the License Administrator.
If a previous connection to a License Server is detected by the software (i.e. file “lic_server.dat” located in the previous “license” folder), a pop-up message will inform you that a License Server information has been found in previous installation.
In case the message does not appear, you would need to manually connect to the License Server by selecting 'Use License Server' and entering the hostname (or the IP address) of the NG License Server you have access to (please contact your license administrator if you don’t have this information).
If the automatic Upgrade process does not work or if there are any questions or issues, please contact Technical Support team.
Created by MT on 12/06/2023
Reviewed by TS on 12/06/2023