How to upgrade to SARscape 5.7, SARscape Analytics 5.7, or Opticalscape 5.7

NV5 Geospatial has adopted a new licensing technology for all future releases of our ENVI, IDL and SARscape products beginning with ENVI 5.7 and IDL 8.9. This technology is known as “Next-Generation (NG) Licensing”.

With the new release, all SARscape products will require the use of the next generation license server, currently NG license server 4.1.

Local (Node-locked) licensing is not supported for SARscape products.

If you are using a SARscape, SARscape Analytics, or Opticalscape license that was previously activated on the legacy licensing engine (flexera) as either local (node-locked) or served (floating), you will need to migrate these licenses to the NG licensing server.


  1. Migrate a previous version of SARscape, SARscape Analytics, or Opticalscape single node locked license to NG licensing:
  • Download and install ENVI 5.7 and the desired SARscape product for 5.7

Product Downloads

  • Download and install the latest license server, currently NG License Server 4.1. 

Note: The license server can be installed on the same machine as the product to run locally, or on a separate machine as a dedicated license server.

  • Activate the SARscape product license on the NG license server

If desired, you can activate the ENVI license on the server to provide multiple user access to the ENVI and SARscape licenses, or ENVI can be activated as a local (node locked) license and used in combination with the license server providing SARscape licensing.

Activate Licenses on a Windows NG License Server

Activate Licenses on a Linux NG License Server

  • Connect the local machine to the license server using the Harris License Administrator tool to access the SARscape and/or other licenses

Connect a client machine to an NG License Server 

  1. Migrate a legacy (flexera) license server hosting SARscape licensing to NG 4.1 licensing:
  • For legacy license servers hosting previous versions of SARscape and other licenses, use the migrate option:

How to migrate your active legacy license to a Next-Generation license


  1. Update an existing NG license server to SARScape, SARscape Analytics, or Opticalscape 5.7 licensing:
  • For users currently running NG license server 4.1 with SARscape licensing for a previous version:
  • deactivate the previous version SARscape license on the license server
  • re-activate the license using the same activation code.  The SARscape product version will update to 5.7.


Created 7/26/2023 - MM

Reviewed 7/26/2023 - MT