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1 Replies and 1648 Views Supervised Object Based Classification - ENVI crashing  1648  1 Started by  Deleted User I'm using the Classification Workflow for a supervised object-based classification in ENVI 5.5.2, and whenever I load a pre-made point shapefile as Training Data the system freezes after the training data is loaded, and won't run to the next step in the workflow. No matter how small I clip the image, or how simple the training data shapefile points are (i.e. minimal attribute columns), it just freezes up and won't progress to the next step. Has anyone else encountered any issue like this, or k...
1 1648
by  MariMJump to last post
17 Mar 2020 05:49 AM
1 Replies and 1449 Views loadings in PCA  1449  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, Does anyone knows if it is possible to obtain principal components loading when a PCA is performed Thanks a lot Emma
1 1449
by  MariMJump to last post
17 Feb 2020 10:29 AM
4 Replies and 2769 Views MTMF Results  2769  4 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I have used the Spectral Hourglass to run the MTMF. I have the MF Scores and the Infeasibility Scores. However, I want to obtain the abundance bands per each endmember (as the outputs from the Linear Spectral Unmixing). How can I derive this Also, I would like to know how can I produce a final classification map out of the MTMF results (high MF and low infeasibility) Thanks!!
4 2769
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
12 Feb 2020 11:03 AM
2 Replies and 1158 Views Storing shapefile attributes in an ROI  1158  2 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I have a shapefile that has an attribute table for some agricultural plots (genotype, height, photosynthesis, etc). I want to embed that information into a hyperspectral/thermal/canopy height model raster that has been made with layer stacking. I figured the shapefile needs to be converted from a .shp to an ROI and then make a classification image that can be stacked. However, when I convert the shapefile, the ROI doesn't appear to keep the values of the attributes, just the column nam...
2 1158
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
04 Feb 2020 12:35 PM
2 Replies and 1404 Views Opening large hyperspectral images  1404  2 Started by  Deleted User I am trying to load large (24 gb) hyperspectral images into ENVI but am not having any luck. When I select the file to open, the program goes to 'not responding' and the spinning loading wheel just keeps going and eventually we just terminate the program after waiting for hours. I am loading them as binary files. The images are from a Headwall VNIR camera. The data file itself does not have a file extension (for example, we are trying to load the file called '2a7ed5fd-1c14-472d-94b6-d65fca62...
2 1404
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
04 Feb 2020 09:08 AM
2 Replies and 1914 Views Exporting attribute table to CSV or txt file  1914  2 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I'm curious if one is able to export an attribute table in ENVI as a CSV or text file. The data were acquired through a trimble and I'm looking for easier access and sharing methods. Thank you, Catherine
2 1914
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
23 Jan 2020 01:55 PM
1 Replies and 1363 Views Matrix from pixels of hyperspectral images  1363  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi community, I need to know if there's an automatized method or code for creating a matrix with the information about the reflectance intensity per hyperspectral image band for a determined block of pixels using ENVI 5.3. I visualize a first column with the pixel spatial information (lat,lon) followed by a column with the reflectance signal from the first band until the last column with the reflectance of the last band of the image. Any ideas will be very helpful. Thanks, Wladim...
1 1363
by  MariMJump to last post
17 Jan 2020 12:30 PM
11 Replies and 12031 Views Masking out NoData areas  12031  11 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I have areas of NoData outside of my image which keep being incorrectly classified during classification, so I would like to remove them. It is shown here http://i63.tinypic.com/b8mhbk.png - the NoData areas are the white areas outside the image. Is there a way to do this in ENVI, as I am struggling to figure it out. Thanks.
11 12031
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
01 Jan 2020 06:12 AM
1 Replies and 1716 Views Envi Display Problems following ELC  1716  1 Started by  Deleted User I have a problem where ENVI 5.4 does not display an image mosaic following empirical line correction. > 20 scene ASTER L1T 9 band mosaic, converted to floating point and borders masked as NaN. Displays fine prior to correction. > Empirical line correction with two spectral pairs applied, no errors come up, though there are probably some negative values. > Corrected mosaic displays as black, with NaN areas as white. > Spectral profile tool reveals underlying multispectral data is presen...
1 1716
by  MariMJump to last post
31 Dec 2019 10:59 AM
0 Replies and 1468 Views a broken link on a support page  1468  0 Started by  Deleted User Hello, Please fix this broken link http://www.spectral.com/pdf/SR429.pdf, which is found on https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/Support/Self-Help-Tools/Help-Articles/Help-Articles-Detail/ArtMID/10220/ArticleID/16239/Recommended-aerosol-retrieval-settings-to-use-in-FLAASH-for-WorldView-2-datasets Thank you Shaimaa Ahmed
0 1468
30 Dec 2019 08:40 AM
1 Replies and 1524 Views Atmospheric Correction and WorldView-2  1524  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, What is the best method to apply Atmospheric correction for WorldView-2 I am going to create indices for built-up areas to differentiate between different land use types (streets, buildings, water, soils). Thank you
1 1524
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
30 Dec 2019 07:48 AM
6 Replies and 2872 Views Georeference from IGM  2872  6 Started by  Deleted User I have three ASCII arrays: 1) pixel values, 2) upper left corner longitude 3) upper left corner latitude. All 1350 x 1350, reading left-to-right, top-to-bottom, with a 4.5km pixel size. I tried using 'Georeference from IGM', however, I have received a number errors, often 'Attempt to subscript dxs with is out of range', If I do get an output, it is very strange, 77 X 2330. This is a gdal line with projection information: gdal_translate –a_srs “datum=wgs84 proj=stere lat_0=70.000000 lon...
6 2872
by  MariMJump to last post
13 Dec 2019 08:36 AM
1 Replies and 1378 Views Automatize results on Hyperspectral analysis  1378  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I'm involved in a research project using ENVI 5.3 and CAT 7.4 for processing CRISM data (hyperspectral Mars images). I was wondering if is possible to automatize in some manner the mineralogy per pixel and export that information to an excel table. I haven't information if this is possible or if some similar has been done on hyperspectral analysis works on Earth. Thank you.
1 1378
by  MariMJump to last post
12 Dec 2019 09:02 AM
1 Replies and 1398 Views PCA  1398  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I was wondering if there are any restrictions of how many input bands an image can have for principle component analysis My images have 345 bands which is already a spectral subset from the original.. Thank you, Malin
1 1398
by  MariMJump to last post
09 Dec 2019 05:21 AM
10 Replies and 3266 Views ENVI ROI Calculate Statistics  3266  10 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I am working with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars data. It is a spectrometer with ~438 band passes that image a relatively small footprint of the martian surface at ~18 meters/pixel. I am trying to extract mean spectra from regions of interest (ROIs) for analysis of the minerals on the surface of the Red Planet to help inform us about when Mars may have been most hydrologically active. The issue that I am running into is related...
10 3266
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
04 Dec 2019 06:17 PM
2 Replies and 4186 Views TIFF to ENVI Classification file  4186  2 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I am having issues with converting a TIFF file to an ENVI Classification file to be able to run a Confusion Matrix based on ROIs in ENVI. Is this possible If it is, what 'type' does it have to be Reason being, I have generated numerous MLC Classifications in ENVI and converted the classifications to vector format. To generate two spatial scale vegetation maps (1:25K & 1:100K) I have brought these into ArcMap as shapefiles and eliminated polygons less than a minimum mapping unit. I ...
2 4186
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
04 Dec 2019 01:10 PM
4 Replies and 2158 Views How would I convert 16 bit Landsat 8 OLI data to match Landsat 7 ETM data range  2158  4 Started by  Deleted User I am interested to apply Scatter plot matching technique to perform relative radiometric normalization of my subset of Landsat data in ENVI. For the purpose it is desirable to match radiometric resolution of data acquired by different sensors. The basic stats of my subsets are reported here under; Basic Stats Min Max Mean Stdev Band 1 (Blue) 61 130 75.212947 4.897489 Band 2 (Blue) 87...
4 2158
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
03 Dec 2019 11:24 PM
9 Replies and 2334 Views MNF transformation  2334  9 Started by  Deleted User Hi all, I am working on ASTER L1B imagery. Thermal bands (ASTER TIR) were atmospherically corrected and thermal emissivity bands were calculated. I am trying to reduce the data noise using MNF - Inverse MNF transformation method, but every time I tried to do so, the process stopped at 99 and not responding at all without giving any error messages. I am using ENVI 5.1 program. This is the statistics of the five emissivity bands: Basic Stats Min Max Mean Stdev Num ...
9 2334
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
01 Dec 2019 05:31 AM
2 Replies and 1207 Views Layer stacking non-geo-registered images  1207  2 Started by  Deleted User I have created a set of images from one spectral image using band math. I now want to assemble these into a single, multi-channel image in order to examine the results using the n-dimensional visualizer. Neither the original image nor any of the computed images were geo-registered, so the layer stacking tool will not work. However, the images are all the same size, resolution, etc. since they are derived from a single source. Is there a tool to build a multi-channel image out of this type ...
2 1207
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
28 Nov 2019 09:00 PM
1 Replies and 2060 Views Vegetation indices not falling within range  2060  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, we are trying to run vegetation indices on hyperspectral data and we are struggling to get the values within the index range. We are using satellite data from E0-1 Hyperion, as well as data from AVIRIS and our own data collected with an ITRES uCasi. For the E0-1 Hyperion and AVIRIS we have run the data through the pre-processing steps on the website: - https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/HyperionVegetationAnalysisTutorial.html - http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/preprocessaviris.ht...
1 2060
by  MariMJump to last post
25 Nov 2019 07:45 AM
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