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RE: Atmospheric correctio...
by  MariM
21 Mar 2024 06:34 AM
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RE: Atmospheric correctio...
by  MariM
21 Mar 2024 06:34 AM
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26 Feb 2024 01:50 PM
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RE: Access Denied - Verif...
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26 Feb 2024 01:50 PM
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5 Replies and 7200 Views ENVI Task BinaryAutomaticThresholdRaster  7200  5 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I am trying to write an ENVI API script to separate vegetation from the background for both color and color-infrared digital photos. The ENVI command, Binary Raster by Automatic Threshold, works pretty well. For the ENVIBinaryAutomaticThresholdTask, the documentation states the output is a binary raster file that for a mask. However, in an ENVI API script, I get the error message that the mask raster must only have one band. Sometimes the layer manager shows the output file with a single ba...
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by  Deleted UserJump to last post
25 Jul 2020 10:30 AM
0 Replies and 2740 Views surface function does not work in win10 system  2740  0 Started by  Deleted User Hello, does anybody find that the surface fucntion (when the /fill keyword is added) can not work. I mean the output picture can not be saved ..... When you try to save the picture, all the idl workpace close!! How to solve this problem, ask for help and thanks!
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08 Mar 2019 06:15 PM
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