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0 Replies and 3569 Views Band Math  3569  0 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I would like to specify the Conditional Statements using Band math of Envi for this equation (Ln(1-(B1/b))) to avoid the NAN values. When B1 is equal to b then I got NAN values (ln (0)), because the real natural logarithm function ln(x) is defined only for x>0. Thanks
0 3569
15 Jan 2017 08:55 AM
1 Replies and 2420 Views Band Math  2420  1 Started by  Deleted User How can i write this expression in ENVI band math r=(∑_i¦(x_i-x_m ) (y_i-y_m))/(√(∑_i¦(x_i-x_m ) ^2 ) √(∑_i¦(y_i-y_m ) ^2 ))
1 2420
05 Dec 2016 04:18 AM
3 Replies and 2394 Views error in flaash of EO-1 Hyperision image  2394  3 Started by  Deleted User I am a user of ENVI5.2, Now I have a problem in dealing with Flaash. we want to use Flaash for our EO-1 hyperison image, the image has 179 bands after the pre-procession. and the faash always enconter an error after the process bar went to 58 done, the error shows: ACC error: h2oinv: h2oinv IDL error MOMENT: X error must contain 2 OR more elements. if I do not choose water retrieval, there is also an error: tile0.img, the process did not finish correctly I DO NOT know where the problem is,and...
3 2394
20 Oct 2016 05:46 AM
2 Replies and 2334 Views PCA  2334  2 Started by  Deleted User Firstly,I would like to ask that why am I unable to access my previous posts. Secondly, I performed PCA on an image in ENVI and also in ERDAS. There was a huge difference between Eigen values and Eigen vector matrix computed in the two platforms. Why is it so Also, do the rows of the eigen vector matrix represent different PCS or original bands in ENVI. Say, for example, if I got a matrix like this Eigenvector Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 1 0.587621 0.598896 0.543896 ...
2 2334
10 Oct 2016 06:23 AM
1 Replies and 2351 Views MTMF Result display  2351  1 Started by  Deleted User I have classified an HSI image using MTMF method. The outputs are MF Score and Infeasibility for each class. I am trying to display all classes together in one image with different color for each class (similar to the SAM result). I am sure there should be a way in ENVI to display MTMF result where we can see all classes together with different color in one image. Can anyone please let me know how to do this Thanks you !
1 2351
14 Aug 2016 09:35 AM
6 Replies and 2186 Views SAM classification using ASCII file  2186  6 Started by  Deleted User We are trying to create a comprehensive spectral libraries for both 'soil' and 'salt' based on 8 study areas and use those spectral libraries in Spectral Angle Mapper algorithm in order to map the salt pans existed in the entire world. To do so we need to use ASCII files which contain only band values of each individual pixel in each band without location information. I have read that the right format for importing spectral information is the one that has 2 columns of number of bands and mea...
6 2186
02 May 2016 12:44 PM
1 Replies and 2486 Views How do I change my password?  2486  1 Started by  Deleted User How do I change my password
1 2486
22 Jan 2016 02:43 PM
0 Replies and 3090 Views login  3090  0 Started by  Deleted User Exelis denies access because it is an unverified account (it used to work perfectly, as I have been using IDL for many years). To verify you need to follow a link that was never sent and the page does not give the option for requesting another verification link. Really poor, poor web security design. Anyone else having a similar problem
0 3090
06 Oct 2015 04:05 AM
0 Replies and 2502 Views CAnt download IDL  2502  0 Started by  Deleted User When i go under downloads > all downloads in my account it is all empty and i cant download IDL or anything else. Whats wrong
0 2502
04 Oct 2015 09:33 AM
1 Replies and 1896 Views Syntax error with FUNCTARGS  1896  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I'm new to IDL, and I'm trying to compile a .pro file in Exelis in my Mac OSX. I know that this code runs in other machines, but when I compile it, I get a syntax error message, which I don't know where to start looking to fix: Compiled module: FITCIRC_MPFIT_FUNC. FUNCTARGS={XPP:xpp&91sel&93,YPP:ypp&91sel&93,VLOS:vlos&91sel&93,AON:aon&91sel&93},$ ^ Syntax error. The part of the code with this problem is: for i=0,nn-1 do begin sel = Rind.(i...
1 1896
23 Jul 2015 02:30 PM
1 Replies and 2183 Views IDL 7.1 operating system support  2183  1 Started by  Deleted User Can my older operating systems be updated to newer operating systems and support running IDL 7.1
1 2183
22 Jul 2015 11:51 AM
1 Replies and 1938 Views Are ENVI and IDL supported on Windows 8 with touchscreen?  1938  1 Started by  MariM I am considering purchasing a new system that runs Windows 8 and has a touch screen. Can I use ENVI and IDL on this system and will it work with a touch screen
1 1938
13 Apr 2015 11:44 AM
2 Replies and 2117 Views Digitalglobe data for research  2117  2 Started by  Deleted User I am looking for high resolution data of the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast (cote d'Ivoire). The data is to be used for research purposed only and I have no grant money at all to pay for it. Any idea where I could find it it or is there a Digitalglobe support for research activity. Thanks
2 2117
10 Apr 2015 05:58 PM
1 Replies and 1917 Views support vector machines  1917  1 Started by  Deleted User Can we use support vector machines to analyze ground-level spectra as opposed to imagery
1 1917
30 Mar 2015 01:10 PM
1 Replies and 1990 Views ENVI_QUAC_DOIT  1990  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I am using "ENVI_QUAC_DOIT" IDL Code obtained from ENVI help but it gave an error - Please help me to run this code. Regards, Bilal (Hong Kong PolyU) Error: Restored file: ENVI_SPC. Procedure was compiled while active: ENVI_QUAC. Returning. Compiled module: ENVI_QUAC. Can't continue from this point. Execution halted at: $MAIN$ QUAC_CODE: PRO ENVI_QUAC COMPILE_OPT idl2 ; print, 'Starting batch process.' print, systime() input_loca...
1 1990
17 Mar 2015 01:13 AM
1 Replies and 1809 Views Uninstalling IDL  1809  1 Started by  Deleted User Would you please tell me how I can *completely* uninstall IDL 8.1
1 1809
06 Mar 2015 12:23 PM
1 Replies and 1976 Views IDL7.0 compatibility  1976  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi Kate, Is IDL 7.0 compatible with Windows 7 because next to the download links there is only Vista and XP. Thank you
1 1976
21 Jan 2015 11:15 AM
1 Replies and 2059 Views Can IDL be downloaded on only one computer or several?  2059  1 Started by  Deleted User Question: Can IDL be downloaded on only one computer or several
1 2059
16 Jan 2015 01:51 PM
2 Replies and 1805 Views Code Library gone forever?  1805  2 Started by  Deleted User Hello, Has the Code Library been shut down forever I don't have anything particular I need, but the Code Library was a great resource to get some ideas. I understand the reason it was taken down was beyond Exelis' control, but it's really to bad that the valuable collection of little add-ons is gone. I didn't think it was any harm to anyone being up there. Mike
2 1805
09 Jul 2014 11:40 AM
1 Replies and 2060 Views Recorded webinar  2060  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi, Why all webinars are not avalible
1 2060
18 Feb 2014 02:24 AM
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