2 Replies and 1589 Views
Radiometric normalisation of hyperspectral images 1589 2
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I need to perform radiometric normalisation of two hyperspectral images that were acquired on the same day but do not overlap in order to do supervised classification. I was thinking to mosaic them but the seamless mosaic tool does not work for hyperpsectral data. Otherwise I found the exact tool to match two images using IDL (https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/ENVIRadiometricNormalizationTask.html) but I can't use IDL so am looking for another way in ENVI. Thank you, Malin
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by Deleted User08 Dec 2019 10:04 PM |
4 Replies and 5122 Views
ENVI FLAASH error 5122 4
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I am trying to apply FLAASH to a Landsat 8 image. I receive following error: Problem: The FLAASH program exited with the following errors: ACC error:Adjacents5: IDL error: Attempt to subscript VALUE with UAV is out of range. ACC_ADJACENTS5 ACC_HYPER2 ACC_ACC ENVI_ACC_EVENT ENVI_FLAASH_PROCESS_MANAGER IDLRTMAIN $MAINS$ We recently moved the license from an old computer to a new computer. I get this message after transferring the license and did not get it before. ...
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5122 |
by Deleted User15 Nov 2019 01:12 PM |
25 Replies and 8266 Views
FLAASH ACC Error 8266 25
Started by Deleted User
Hi Ben, I was trying to use FLAASH for my hyperspectral data atmospheric correction, but it is not processing any data and continuously showing error messages (ACC_AUTOCHAN: No water absorption channels selected). I fixed Error-1 by choosing water absorption band, but I never understand why it is still showing Error-2 (ACC error: convert7; IDL error: End of input record encountered on file unit:0); ACC_CONVERT7 ACC_HYPER2.... I am also attaching my FLAASH restore file. Let me know how I...
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by MariM28 Oct 2019 01:56 PM |
1 Replies and 1566 Views
Issue with the Y scale factor! 1566 1
Started by Deleted User
Hello everyone, I am trying to resample a number of spectral signatures from a specific spectral library. The problem is that I can't figure out which is the Y scales factors and the Wavelength units that are asked in the window 'Scale Incoming Curve Data'. Is there a way to identify them somehow Any advice will be very helpful!T hank you very much in advance!
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1566 |
by MariM09 Oct 2019 12:22 PM |
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by MariM16 Sep 2019 09:13 AM |
0 Replies and 1812 Views
convert kml file to shape file 1812 0
Started by Deleted User
I want to know how convert kml file to shape file, which contain ( .dpf, .shx and .shp) files.
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14 Sep 2019 05:41 AM |
4 Replies and 1920 Views
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I have installed ENVI 4.3 on my computer. Normally I can open up to 7 times the program without any problem, but then, when I want to open images (raster, Landsat images, Sentinel images, Rapideye Images, etc) in ENVI, I have problems because a message appears related to the projections of the images I want to upload (ENVI ERROR: FAILED TO SET PROPERTY. FAILED TO CREATE COORDINATE SYSTEM FORM STRING: PROJCS UTM_ZONE_............). The only solutions I have is to reinstall the software, I've ...
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by MariM12 Sep 2019 01:43 PM |
2 Replies and 1581 Views
Set a threshold for unclassified class at SAM method 1581 2
Started by Deleted User
Hell everyone, I am trying to find out a tool at ENVI like SemiAutomatic Classification Plugin at QGIS, in order to set a threshold for my classes, so as to set a greater amount of pixels at the unclassified category, during the SAM method. Is there a tool like this one at ENVI Thank you very much for your help!
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by Deleted User06 Sep 2019 02:43 AM |
2 Replies and 2060 Views
MODIS hdf data in ENVI 2060 2
Started by Deleted User
Hello everybody! I want to open MODIS data with ENVI 5.5.2 on my 64 bit Windows 10 machine to use it in the Georeference MODIS tool. The data is in *.hdf format that is supported by ENVI. I'm using the MOD11_L2 product, which contains 7 subdatasets/layers. One of them is the LST (Land Surface Temperature) layer I'm interested in. But out of those 7 subdatasets only 5 show up when opening the *.hdf file (Quality, Latitude, Longitude, Emis 31, Emis 32). The LST and Error_LST layers unfortunatel...
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2060 |
by Deleted User27 Aug 2019 12:39 AM |
8 Replies and 1845 Views
Selection of spectral signatures 1845 8
Started by Deleted User
Hello everybody, I have to solve an issue with my Hyperion data. I am trying to implement the process of 'Spectral Hourglass Wizard'. The problem is that I have detected 15 endmembers, which also are related to many spectral signatures at the spectral library. So, I implement the process of 'Spectral Hourglass Wizard', but I don't know how to evaluate the results and if for example, it is a necessity to change the spectral signature of a mineral. I was thinking of the tool 'Spectral Analyst',...
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by Deleted User22 Aug 2019 03:13 PM |
5 Replies and 1753 Views
MNF to Hyperion data 1753 5
Started by Deleted User
Hello everybody, I have a Hyperion image, in which I implemented an atmospheric correction, georeference and two masks, in order to avoid the vegetation and the water in the image. I have already removed the 'Bad bands' and my image includes 112 bands. The problem is that I want to apply the n-D Visualizer, but at the diagram of the eigenvalues, at the step of MNF, the values that I received for the eigenvalue is better than the value of 1 (specifically the lowest value is 1.02). So I would l...
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1753 |
by MariM14 Aug 2019 10:58 AM |
1 Replies and 1890 Views
Correction of DEM 1890 1
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I have generate a DEM with some drone's pictures but the altitude is wrong. Can I correct this information thanks to your software I have some GPS data and i would like to correct my DEM with them
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1890 |
by MariM29 Jul 2019 11:46 AM |
3 Replies and 4142 Views
Trouble Verifying Account 4142 3
Started by Deleted User
I received a verification e-mail, but when I click on it, I'm prompted to login. Once I login I receive the message 'You are using an unverified account. Please verify your account by clicking on the link contained in the verification email that has been sent to you.'
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by MariM11 Jun 2019 10:24 AM |
8 Replies and 2531 Views
PCA-All the information are detected at the first band 2531 8
Started by Deleted User
Hello everyone! I implemented at Hyperion data the PCA method, in order to reduce dimensionality. After the implementation, I observed the results and the 99.5 of the information is detected at the first band (the total number of bands is 112). So, I would like to ask if this is OK or I should look again at the procedure. Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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by MariM09 May 2019 08:34 AM |
1 Replies and 1801 Views
Dark Substraction Correction in Modeler 1801 1
Started by Deleted User
What should I put in values when I use dark subtraction correction function in Modeler I have tried 'STATS.MIN' but I received massage box: Invalid parameter named Values. Expression must be a structure in this context: STATS.
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by MariM25 Apr 2019 10:26 AM |
4 Replies and 2361 Views
Worldview-3 CAVIS bands 2361 4
Started by Deleted User
Hello everybody, I am going to get a Worldview-3 MS and SWIR bands for mapping alteration in our project area. For the accuracy of atmospheric correction do you think that I need CAVIS bands. Has anybody used CAVIS bands for this purpose before I will be very happy if you could you share your experiences about Atmospheric correction of WV-3 data. By the way I have FLAASH module. Thanks in advance Aysegul Daggez
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by Deleted User11 Apr 2019 01:41 AM |
1 Replies and 2022 Views
Georeferencing - Orthorectification - Mosaicking 2022 1
Started by Deleted User
Hello! I' m trying to apply a methodology that icludes georefercing - orthorectification and mosaicking. First of all because of the fact that the stripes of my images have lost their georeference, i import the right georeference from the spatial reference of images that have more bands. After that, i don't know if i should orthorectify my images and how. Is it essential Finally, because my images iclude parts that are repeated, i want to create a mosaic with those stripes of images so i don't ...
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2022 |
by MariM20 Feb 2019 11:10 AM |
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2310 |
by MariM18 Feb 2019 04:57 AM |
2 Replies and 2070 Views
PCA-Forward PCA 2070 2
Started by Deleted User
Hello, I'm trying to implement the PCA method. I chose the bands that i think that they don't contain noise and i implemented 'Forward PCA Rotation New Statistics and Rotate'. After that i implemented th 'Forward PCA Rotation Existsing Statistics' but i can't figure out what should i change in this method. Should i choose the PCs that i think that they contain the information that i needAnd after that i should implement the Reverse PCA with the bands that contain information so as to have a ...
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2070 |
by Deleted User14 Feb 2019 02:48 AM |
4 Replies and 1936 Views
Represent pixels from different bands to an image 1936 4
Started by Deleted User
Hello!I' m trying to represent at my image pixels from the same image but from different bads. In many bands i have very high values of reflectance because of the sensor. So i' m trying to find alla those pixels, which may be different from the one band to the other. Please let me know if you have any advice! Thank you very much!
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by Deleted User30 Jan 2019 10:39 AM |