1 Replies and 2458 Views
Reflectance formula for SPOT 6 2458 1
Started by Deleted User
I have tried to calculate manually from digital number to radiance for SPOT 6. The result is the same with Envi Tool that is from DN to radiance. But, when I calculate manually from radiance to reflectance, the result is not the same with Envi Tool. So, how the formula to Envi to calculate radiance to reflectance for SPOT 6
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2458 |
by MariM24 Jan 2019 05:23 AM |
3 Replies and 2399 Views
Iterative SVM classification 2399 3
Started by Deleted User
Hello, I am trying to iterate SVM classification for 100 outputs and I need classification error matrices for all 100 outputs so that I can perform some statistical analysis to compare time series. I need to do this for several time series for two sites, so I guess my only option is using IDL as this is lots of work to be done manually. I used the IDL example given in the link; https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/ProgrammingGuideClassification_CodeExampleSVMAPIObjects.html for my images. I ch...
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2399 |
by MariM16 Jan 2019 01:08 PM |
2 Replies and 4278 Views
Convert an image with BSQ to BIL or BIP 4278 2
Started by Deleted User
Hello!I have a very simple question about my image. It' s an image that is radiometrically corrected with bsq interleave. I want to convert it to bil or bip in order to correct it atmospherically with the FLAASH method, but I don't know how!Any advice will be very useful! Thank you very much in advance!
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4278 |
by Deleted User16 Jan 2019 10:10 AM |
0 Replies and 21560 Views
Access Denied - Verification Pending 21560 0
Started by Deleted User
As stated in the subject, why did I receive an 'Access Denied - Verification Pending' error message when I clicked 'Downloads' in my account page to download 'IDL'. How can my account be verified
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21560 |
19 Dec 2018 03:35 AM |
1 Replies and 2590 Views
BASE IS ARBITRARY error 2590 1
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I can't open a file in ENVI associated with the below .HDR file. It is showing 'BASEISARBITRARY' error. Let me know what is this 'BASEISARBITRARY' means Thanks, Keshav ---------------.HDR File-------------------- ENVI description = &91;' Georeferenced Image built from input GLT. &91;'Mon Sep 17 16:36:09 2018'&93;'&93; samples = 1326 lines = 932 bands = 150 header offset = 0 file type = ENVI Standard data type = 4 interleave = bip sensor type = Unknown byte order ...
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2590 |
by MariM03 Dec 2018 07:17 AM |
4 Replies and 2646 Views
Sub-pixel classification to Sentinel 2 images 2646 4
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I am trying to use sub-pixel classification to Sentinel 2 image to map an invasive plant. I tried spectral hourglass wizard and tried to modify the endmembers by comparing the ROIs with my image to be classified. I need only 5 classes for my end product. Should I use only the endmembers for those 5 classes or should I use all the possible endmembers Also, the SAM classification results at the end is very poor. Can I use another set of ROIs I created to re-run another classification method (...
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2646 |
by Deleted User10 Oct 2018 10:41 AM |
1 Replies and 2493 Views
TOA conversion 2493 1
Started by Deleted User
I have a set of Landsat images (TM, ETM and OLI) for change detection analysis and I would like to convert Top of the Atmosphere OLI images from 16-bit to 8-bit. How to do it with ENVI 5.3. Thank you in advance
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2493 |
by MariM20 Sep 2018 08:37 AM |
4 Replies and 4055 Views
Combining classified images in ENVI 4055 4
Started by Deleted User
Hello, I am using Sentinel 2 images for image classification for a pretty large area. So I had to break the images into smaller blocks before classification and process them separately. Now I want to do a change detection for the entire area at once. Is there a way to combine these blocks into a one classified image in ENVI I could not find a specific tool for that. I tried to do it with ArcGIS, but couldn't find a good way to do it. I really appreciate any help on this. Thank you!
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4055 |
by MariM21 Aug 2018 04:07 PM |
1 Replies and 2780 Views
Color a number of pixels in a grayscale image 2780 1
Started by Deleted User
I have grayscale images and wish to highlight specific, fairly large groups of pixels in each image, e.g. by re-coloring those pixels. I have arrays of all the pixels to highlight for each image. Overplotting with a transparent mask seems like an arduous way to go about this. Is there a better way Thanks.
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2780 |
by MariM05 Jul 2018 06:54 AM |
15 Replies and 3803 Views
ENVI - Estimate Noise Statistics From Data - Error 3803 15
Started by Deleted User
Hi everyone! I have this problem: when I am calculating the Estime Noise Statistics From Data in ENVI, I get the following error: 'The number of the pixels in the shift difference spatial subset should greater than the number of input bands. Please enlarge the spatial subset for noise statistics'. In other topic, I read that this problem may occur due bad bands, maybe identical min and max values or values equal to 0 and that I have to edit the header of image. In this sense, I don´t know how...
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3803 |
by MariM06 Jun 2018 06:33 AM |
0 Replies and 22477 Views
Problem with the projection of Worldview 3 image 22477 0
Started by Deleted User
Hi, I have a WorldView 3 image with multispectral (only 8 bands; Coastal, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Rededge, NIR1, NIR2) and panchromatic band. I can open one (either multispectral or panchromatic) of them without any problem in ENVI 5.4. But when I open both images in same ENVI window, both multispectral and panchromatic bands get distorted (looks like both are projected to a different coordinate system). Both images are in Geographic coordinate system- GCS_WGS_1984, Datum- D_WGS_1984. Can ...
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22477 |
14 May 2018 07:21 PM |
6 Replies and 3356 Views
SVM classification for multiple scenes with one set of ROIs 3356 6
Started by Deleted User
I am trying to classify Sentinel 2 images for a very large area using the SVM classification. Currently, I can only process an area about 25 sq km at a time to get the desired accuracy. I also explored other classification methods but only SVM gives me good accuracy for my purpose. As my area is very large, it takes me ever to define ROIs for small pieces of images. Is there a way I can use a single set on ROIs for all my pieces Or is there any other method to make this process easier and fast...
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3356 |
by Deleted User11 May 2018 10:47 AM |
1 Replies and 1880 Views
DarkSubtractionCorrection Task 1880 1
Started by Deleted User
Running the 'DarkSubtractionCorrection' task in an API on reflectance values from a calibrated Worldview 2 data where the image boundary data has a pixel state of 1 are being calculated as negative values on the output raster. How do I stop this Here is the section of code doing the calculation (with forcing 'data ignore value' param). ;***Add data ignore value to the metadata **** IF (metadata.HasTag ('data ignore value')) THEN BEGIN metadata.UpdateItem, 'data ignore value', 0. ...
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1880 |
by MariM20 Apr 2018 12:26 PM |
1 Replies and 1700 Views
Harris Support Request Webpage is balnk 1700 1
Started by Deleted User
The link http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/Support/tabid/2283/ctl/Edit/mid/MyAccount/NewSupportIncident.aspx doesn't do anything currently (from Chrome or Internet Explorer). I'd like to report an IDL bug, but I can't contact you. --Wayne
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1700 |
by MariM02 Apr 2018 11:01 AM |
0 Replies and 22356 Views
Water band removal error for HSI image at time of FLAAST process 22356 0
Started by Deleted User
FLASH shows the error when the Water removal option is activated, I have changed the tile value from the 100 to 2000 MB, but not change of error. It is requested to kindly help me. Error Message: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jINQ4QSQqqXr-ZV5LbbLrd0zWak78-PX/viewusp=sharing
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22356 |
21 Feb 2018 12:29 PM |
2 Replies and 2752 Views
Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) 2752 2
Started by Deleted User
Hi, How do we decide the weight in case of LSU I am getting values >1 and < 0 in the output images even after applying the sum constraint and setting the weight to default value (1)
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2752 |
by Deleted User13 Dec 2017 05:10 AM |
10 Replies and 4040 Views
LAI inbuilt spectral indices tool limitations 4040 10
Started by Deleted User
I am using ENVI to produce LAI map series. ENVI use the following equation to calculate LAI. (Eq1) - LAI= (3.618*EVI) - 0.118 However, the value range of EVI is -1 to 1. Then the maximum value of LAI should be 3.50 according to the equation if EVI reaches to its maximum. Typically, ENVI gives LAI values greater than that value (3.50) also. Is ENVI using a higher upper limit for EVI than the typical range (-1 to 1) This equation also gives negative values for the LAI. I wo...
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4040 |
by MariM06 Dec 2017 03:14 PM |
5 Replies and 3968 Views
IDL batch export to tiff from problematic hdf files 3968 5
Started by Deleted User
I have a large number of (nearly a thousand) rasters in .hdf (hdf4) format from the GLASS albedo product. Unfortunately there is a problem with the projection information/header data which means ARCGIS, GDAL, QGIS, SAGA, and GRASS all seem to have problems with the data/will not recognise the projection. This problem has been acknowledged by the product support team as a known issue, but will not be resolved until the next release, until which time they suggest manually editing the headers (see ...
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3968 |
by MariM23 Jun 2017 08:44 AM |
2 Replies and 2842 Views
Use of classification classes in ENVI Band Math 2842 2
Started by Deleted User
I have produced a crop map, and I need to calculate a number of biophysical variables using specific equations for specific crop class . I did it before using Matlab.
But how can I do that using ENVI-Band math
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2842 |
by Deleted User21 Jun 2017 03:59 AM |
1 Replies and 3179 Views
colsort.pro 3179 1
Started by Deleted User
On your blog page http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/Company/PressRoom/Blogs/IDLDataPointDetail/TabId/902/ArtMID/2926/ArticleID/13072/A-column-sort-routine.aspx
you reference a column sort routine, and give a link to download it at: ftp://download.exelisvis.com/groups/esg/blog/colsort.pro
I am unable to access the site. Help please!
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3179 |
by MariM17 Apr 2017 11:20 AM |