Deredden a flux vector using the CCM 1989 parameterization
The reddening curve is that of Cardelli, Clayton, and Mathis (1989 ApJ.
345, 245), including the update for the near-UV given by O'Donnell
(1994, ApJ, 422, 158). Parameterization is valid from the IR to the
far-UV (3.5 microns to 0.1 microns).
Users might wish to consider using the alternate procedure FM_UNRED
which uses the extinction curve of Fitzpatrick (1999).
Calling Sequence
CCM_UNRED, wave, flux, ebv, funred, [ R_V = ]
CCM_UNRED, wave, flux, ebv, [ R_V = ]
WAVE - wavelength vector (Angstroms)
FLUX - calibrated flux vector, same number of elements as WAVE
If only 3 parameters are supplied, then this vector will
updated on output to contain the dereddened flux.
EBV - color excess E(B-V), scalar. If a negative EBV is supplied,
then fluxes will be reddened rather than deredenned.
FUNRED - unreddened flux vector, same units and number of elements
Optional Input Keyword
R_V - scalar specifying the ratio of total selective extinction
R(V) = A(V) / E(B - V). If not specified, then R_V = 3.1
Extreme values of R(V) range from 2.75 to 5.3
Determine how a flat spectrum (in wavelength) between 1200 A and 3200 A
is altered by a reddening of E(B-V) = 0.1. Assume an "average"
reddening for the diffuse interstellar medium (R(V) = 3.1)
IDL> w = 1200 + findgen(40)*50 ;Create a wavelength vector
IDL> f = w*0 + 1 ;Create a "flat" flux vector
IDL> ccm_unred, w, f, -0.1, fnew ;Redden (negative E(B-V)) flux vector
IDL> plot,w,fnew
(1) The CCM curve shows good agreement with the Savage & Mathis (1979)
ultraviolet curve shortward of 1400 A, but is probably
preferable between 1200 and 1400 A.
(2) Many sightlines with peculiar ultraviolet interstellar extinction
can be represented with a CCM curve, if the proper value of
R(V) is supplied.
(3) Curve is extrapolated between 912 and 1000 A as suggested by
Longo et al. (1989, ApJ, 339,474)
(4) Use the 4 parameter calling sequence if you wish to save the
original flux vector.
(5) Valencic et al. (2004, ApJ, 616, 912) revise the ultraviolet CCM
curve (3.3 -- 8.0 um-1). But since their revised curve does
not connect smoothly with longer and shorter wavelengths, it is
not included here.
Revision History
Written W. Landsman Hughes/STX January, 1992
Extrapolate curve for wavelengths between 900 and 1000 A Dec. 1993
Use updated coefficients for near-UV from O'Donnell Feb 1994
Allow 3 parameter calling sequence April 1998
Converted to IDLV5.0 April 1998