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If you are new to ENVI Programming, begin with the ENVI API Programming Guide and List of Tasks.
ADAPT_FILT_DOIT Apply an adaptive filter.
AdditiveLeeAdaptiveFilter Task Applies a Lee adaptive filter to smooth noisy data that has an additive component.
AdditiveMultiplicativeLeeAdaptiveFilter Task Applies a Lee adaptive filter to smooth noisy data that has both an additive and a multiplicative component.
AgriculturalStressClassification Task This task performs raster classification based on Agricultural Stress Estimate. The result is a map showing the distribution of crop stress.
AIRSAR_HEADER_DOIT Read an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) header.
AIRSAR_PED_HEIGHT_DOIT Calculate pedestal height images from an AIRSAR compressed stoked matrix.
AIRSAR_PHASE_IMAGE_DOIT Calculate phase images from an AIRSAR compressed stokes matrix.
AIRSAR_POLSIG_DOIT Calculate polarization signatures from an AIRSAR compressed stokes matrix.
AIRSAR_SCATTER_DOIT Calculate scatter classification for an AIRSAR compressed stokes matrix.
Application Control Routines  
ApplyGainOffset Task This task applies custom gain and offset values to each band of a raster, updating the pixel values accordingly.
ASCIIToROI Task Creates a single ROI from the geometry of a columned ASCII file.
ASCIIToVector Task Creates a vector from the geometry of a columned ASCII file.
ASPECT_DOIT Make aspect corrections to Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) image data.
AUTO_WID_MNG Automatically perform event handling for an ENVI compound widget.
AutoChangeThresholdClassification Task This task uses pre-defined thresholding techniques to automatically classify change detection between two images.
BAD_DATA_DOIT Remove bad data lines.
BandMaxSubsetRaster Task Subsets a raster spectrally using the BandMax algorithm.
BinaryAutomaticThresholdRaster Task Calculates a threshold value for each band and creates a new masked raster based on those thresholds
BinaryGTThresholdRaster Task Creates a new raster where values above a specified threshold are set to 1 and all other values are set to 0.
BinaryLTThresholdRaster Task Creates a new raster where values below a specified threshold are set to 1 and all other values are set to 0.
BitErrorAdaptiveFilter Task Applies a bit error adaptive filter to a raster, to remove bit-error noise, which is usually the result of spikes in the data caused by isolated pixels that have extreme values unrelated to the image scene.
Bounding Boxes Background  
BuildBandStack Task Builds a band-stacked raster (also called a metaspectral raster), which is a stack of ENVIRasters with the same dimensions.
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