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ANGLETOOL__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to create a selectable object for measuring angles in a graphics window. This tool is used in an interaction. See the medical image tab in the Catalyst example application for an example of its use.
ANNOTATEINTERACTION__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to provide an interaction for creating and manipulating SELECTABLEOBJECT objects. An interaction takes over draw widget event handling for the duration of the interaction and then restores it to its norm...
ANNOTATEWINDOW The purpose of this routine is to allow the user to annotate or make measurements on a graphics window. A copy of the graphics window is created and placed into an annotation window. The user can create various kinds of file output fr...
BASEWIDGET__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to implement a base widget as an object. If you wish to create a top-level base widget object, use the TOPLEVELBASE object.
BOX__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to provide a rectangle or box that can be displayed in a direct graphics draw widget. The coordinate system of the Box object is either passed to it (a CatCoord object) or is a normalized coordinate syst...
BUTTONWIDGET__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to implement a button widget as an object.
CAT_ARROW__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to provide an arrow that can be displayed in a direct graphics draw widget. The coordinate system of the Cat_Arrow object is either passed to it (a CatCoord object) or is a normalized coordinate system b...
CAT_ELLIPSE__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to provide a circle or ellipse that can be displayed in a direct graphics draw widget. The coordinate system of the Cat_Ellipse object is either passed to it (a CatCoord object) or is a normalized coordi...
CAT_POLYGON__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to provide a polygon that can be displayed in a direct graphics draw widget. The coordinate system of the Cat_Polygon object is either passed to it (a CatCoord object) or is a normalized coordinate syste...
CAT_TRACKBALL__DEFINE This object translates widget events for draw widgets into transformations that emulate a virtual trackball (for transforming object graphics in three dimensions).
CATALYST This program has no purpose except to test and evaluate Catalyst Library functionality. It can be used as examples of good programming practices (well, assuming your definition of 'good' is pretty loose). The way it is used mostly is ...
CATATOM__DEFINE This is second most basic object in the CATALYST Object Library. It is a subclassed CATCONTAINER object and implements an IDL object hierarchy. All objects in the CATALYST Object Library are subclassed from the CATATOM object. Object ...
CATCHECKDEFAULT This function enables the caller to test system settings. The intention is to hide the mechanics of default storage from the caller. Use the CatSetDefault procedure to set up the default variable before attempting to retrieve it.
CATCOLLECTSUPERCLASSNAMES The purpose of this utility routine is to collect all the Catalyst object's superclass names and return them as the result of the function. The names IDL_CONTAINTER and IDLITCOMPONENT are removed from the names array before the names ...
CATCOLORBAR__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to implement a colorbar object as a selectable object. The colors for the color bar can be passed into the program as a COLORTOOL object with the COLOR_OBJECT keyword. A gray-scale color table with 256 c...
CATCOLORS__DEFINE This object is similar to, and a replacement for, the COLORTOOL object. It is a fundamental object that can be associated with other objects in the Catalyst System that require a way to manage their colors. I wrote this object because...
CATCONTAINER__DEFINE This is the most basic object in the Catalyst Library. It is actually a simple wrapper around the IDL_CONTAINER object, adding get-by-name, reference counting, and memory management. Reference counting is what assures that objects in ...
CATCONTROLPANEL__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to implement a control panel as an object. It automatically deals with whether the CP is embedded or standalone and adds OK, APPLY and CANCEL buttons if required. Control panels are most often represente...
CATCOORD__DEFINE The purpose of this object is to create a coordinate system for data objects. The object is meant to reside in the _COORDS field of CATDATAATOM objects. The CATCOORD object creates a coordinate system at the time it is drawn by settin...
CATDATAATOM__DEFINE This is the most basic data object in the CATALYST Object Library. It is a subclassed CATATOM object and implements a generic data class in the IDL object hierarchy. All data objects in the heirarchy are subclassed from this object. T...
CATDESTROYDEFAULTS This procedure enables the caller to clean up system settings. The intention is to hide the mechanics of default storage from the caller.
CATEVENTDISPATCHER The purpose of this utility routine is to intercept the event callbacks from widgets and pass the 'event' on to an object EventHandler method. The EventHandler method must be written with one positional parameter: the event structure ...
CATGETDEFAULT This function enables the caller to get system settings. The intention is to hide the mechanics of default storage from the caller. Use the CatSetDefault procedure to set up the default variable before attempting to retrieve it.
CATGETGRAPHICSWINDOW The purpose of this utility routine is to allow objects lower down in a graphics hierarchy to obtain the object reference of a drawable graphics window (either a PIXMAPWIDGET or a DRAWWIDGET or a subclass of one of these) in the graph...
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