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ADJUSTPOSITION This is a program for interactively adjusting the plot position coordinates. The result of the function is a four-element floating point array of normalized coordinates, suitable for passing to the POSITION keyword of most IDL graphic...
ANSI_VALUE Provides a way to display non-printable characters in widget elements.
ARCSAMPLE Given X and Y points that describe a closed curve in 2D space, this function returns an output curve that is sampled a specified number of times at approximately equal arc distances.
ASINHSCL This is a utility routine to perform an inverse hyperbolic sine function intensity transformation on an image. I think of this as a sort of 'tuned' gamma or power-law function. The algorithm, and notion of 'asinh magnitudes', comes fr...
BINARY This function is used to display a binary representation of byte, integer, and long integer values.
BLOB_ANALYZER__DEFINE The purpose of this routine is to create a system for analyzing regions of interest (ROIs) or (more commonly) 'blobs' inside images. In particular, given a suitable image (this will require judgement on your part), the program will au...
CAPFIRSTLETTER Given a string, separates the parts by white space, commas, semi-colons, or colons. Each part has the first letter capitalized. The returned string has the capitalized parts separated by a space.
CGADDTOPATH Adds a directory to the beginning of the !PATH system variable.
CGAPPENDTOFILENAME The purpose of this routine is to allow the user append text to the end of the root name of an absolute file name.
CGARROW Provides a device-independent and color-model-independent way of drawing an arrow in a specified color.
CGASINHSCL This is a utility routine to perform an inverse hyperbolic sine function intensity transformation on an image. I think of this as a sort of 'tuned' gamma or power-law function. The algorithm, and notion of 'asinh magnitudes', comes fr...
CGASPECT The purpose of this function is to calculate a position in a graphics window with a specified aspect ratio (ysize/xsize).
CGAXIS Provides a device-independent and color-model-independent way to draw an axis into a graphics window. It is a wrapper to the AXIS command.
CGBARPLOT Provides a device-independent and color-model-independent way to create a bar plot or to overplot on an existing bar plot.
CGBITGET The program is used to obtain the value of a particular bit in an integer number.
CGBLENDIMAGE This alpha blends two 24-bit images and displays them with the cgImage command.
CGBOXPLOT This is graphics routine to display a box plot, also known as a box and whisker plot, in IDL direct graphics. The box encloses the interquartile range (IQR), defined at IQR75-IQR25. The whiskers extend out to the maximum or minimum va...
CGCBAR2KML This program creates a KML file that can be opened in Google Earth to display a color bar as a ScreenOverlay.
CGCENTERTLB This is a utility routine to position a widget program on the display at an arbitrary location.
CGCHANGEMAPPROJECTION This function warps a map projected image from one map projection to another, using Map_Proj_Image to do the warping.
CGCHECKFORSYMBOLS The purpose of this funciton is to check a string for symbols, encased in escape characters, that should be revolved with cgSymbol. The cgSymbol name will appear with the characters '$' prepended to the name, and the character '$' ap...
CGCLEANUP This procedure cleans-up and/or destroys any open graphics or widget windows on the display.
CGCLIPSCL This is a utility routine to perform linear scaling (similar to BYTSCL) on image arrays. If differs from BYTSCL only in that a user-specified percentage of pixels can be clipped from the image histogram, prior to scaling. By default, ...
CGCLIPTOMAP Allows an image or geoTiff file to be clipped or subset to a map projected boundary.
CGCMDWINDOW__DEFINE Creates a 'command' window for IDL traditional commands (Plot, Contour, Surface, etc. or for Coyote Graphics routines, cgPlot, cgContour, cgSurf, etc.). In addition, the window contents can be saved as PostScript files or as raster im...
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