This is a drop-in replacement for the IDL-supplied program LOADCT.
The same keywords used with LOADCT apply. In addition, a REVERSE keyword
is supplied to reverse the color table vectors, and a CLIP keyword is
supplied to be able to clip the normal LOADCT color table. This is
extremely useful if you wish to use a reduced number of colors. All color
table loading is handled silently. And Brewer color tables can be loaded.
table: in, optional, type=integer, default=0
Optional color table number to load. Integer from 0 to the number of
tables in the color table file, minus 1.
addcmd: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to add the command to the resizeable graphics window cgWindow.
bottom: in, optional, type=integer, default=0
The lowest color table index. The colors in the color table start loading here.
brewer: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword if you wish to use the Brewer Colors, as implemented in the Coyote
Library file, fsc_brewer.tbl. This program will look first in the $IDL_DIR/resource/colors
directory for the color table file, and failing to find it there will look in the same
directory that the source code of this program is located, then in the IDL path.
Finally, if it still can't find the file, it will ask you to locate it.
If you can't find it, the program will simply return without loading a color table.
clip: in, optional, type=integer
A one- or two-element integer array that indicates how to clip the original color
table vectors. This is useful if you are restricting the number of colors, and do
not which to have black or white (the usual color table end members) in the
loaded color table. CLIP[0] is the lower bound. (A scalar value of CLIP is treated as
CLIP[0].) CLIP[1] is the upper bound. For example, to load a blue-temperature color bar
with only blue colors, you might type this::
IDL> cgLoadCT, 1, CLIP=[110,240]
Or, alternatively, if you wanted to include white at the upper end of the color table::
IDL> cgLoadCT, 1, CLIP=110
rgb_table: out, optional, type=btye
If this keyword is set to a named variable, the color table is returned as an
[NCOLORS,3] array and no colors are loaded in the display.
filename: in, optional, type='string'
The name of a color table file to open. By default colors1.tbl in the IDL
resource directory.
get_names: out, optional, type='string'
If set to a named variable, the names of the color tables are returned
and no colors are loaded in the display. Note that RGB_TABLE cannot be
used concurrently with GET_NAMES. Use two separate calls if you want both.
ncolors: in, optional, type=integer, default=256
The number of colors to be loaded into the color table.
reverse: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
If this keyword is set, the color table vectors are reversed.
row: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to indicate you are getting the RGB_TABLE vectors
for use in the IDL's object graphics routines. Whereas TVLCT expects color
tables to be 256x3 (column vectors), the object graphics routines expect them
to be 3x256 (row vectors). Setting this keyword will transpose the vectors
before they are returned.
silent: in, optional, type=boolean, default=1
This keyword is provided ONLY for compatibility with LOADCT. All color table
manipulations are handled silently.
window: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to add the command to an cgWindow application.
winid: in, optional, type=integer
The window index number of an cgWindow to receive the color vectors.
If this parameter is absent, the color table vectors are sent to the
current cgWindow.
Suppose you wanted to create a color table that displayed negative values with
red-temperature values and positive values with blue-temperature values, and you
would like the red-temperature values to be reversed in the color table (so dark
colors adjoin in the color table and indicate values near zero). You could do this::
cgLoadCT, 0
cgLoadCT, 3, /REVERSE, CLIP=[32,240], BOTTOM=1, NCOLORS=10
cgLoadCT, 1, CLIP=[64, 245], BOTTOM=11, NCOLORS=10
cgColorbar, NCOLORS=20, BOTTOM=1, DIV=10, RANGE=[-10,10]
Here is an example that shows the difference between LOADCT and cgLoadCT::
LoadCT, 5, NCOLORS=8
cgColorbar, NCOLORS=8, DIVISIONS=8, POSITION=[0.1, 0.65, 0.9, 0.75], XMINOR=0, XTICKLEN=1
cgLoadCT, 5, NCOLORS=8, CLIP=[16, 240]
cgColorbar, NCOLORS=8, DIVISIONS=8, POSITION=[0.1, 0.35, 0.9, 0.45], XMINOR=0, XTICKLEN=1
David W. Fanning
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Change History::
Written by David W. Fanning, 30 October 2007.
Added ability to read Brewer Color Table file, if available, with BREWER keyword. 14 May 2008. DWF.
Small change in the way the program looks for the Brewer file. 8 July 2008. DWF.
Changed the way the program looks for the Brewer color table file. Now use
the Coyote Library routine FIND_RESOURCE_FILE to look for the file. 29 June 2010. DWF.
Renamed Colorbar procedure to cgColorbar to avoid conflict with IDL 8 Colorbar function.
26 September 2010. DWF.
Added ROW keyword to transpose color table vectors for new graphics functions
in IDL 8. 23 Nov 2010. DWF.
Added WINDOW and WINID keywords. 26 January 2011. DWF.
Added ADDCMD keyword. 29 Jan 2011. DWF.
Program delevopment ended and code transferred to cgLoadCT as of 4 Feb 2011. DWF.
Added missing ADDCMD keyword. 28 April 2011. DWF.
Fixed a problem that occurred when the BOTTOM keyword was used in conjuntion with
the WINDOW keyword, resulting in incorrect colors in cgWindow programs. 28 April 2011. DWF.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.