The purpose of this program is to convert a PostScript file to a high
resolution raster file, using the ImageMagick convert command to do the
conversion. `ImageMagick <>` must
be installed on your computer.
Note that one restriction the ImageMagick convert command imposes is that it
cannot convert encapsulated PostScript files that are in landscape mode to
raster files. These raster files will be clipped at one end of the file. If you
wish to do the conversion properly, make sure encapsulated landscape plots are
in portrait mode.
Utilities, Graphics
ps_file: in, required, type=string
The name of the input PostScript file that is being converted to a raster file.
If not provided, the user will be asked to select a file.
allow_transparent: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
To make the background of some image files white, rather than transparent,
you have to set the "-alpha off" string in the ImageMagick call. This
string is automatically added to the ImageMagick call unless this keyword
is set, in which case the string is not added and the image background will
be transparent.
bmp: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a BMP image. Requires ImageMagick.
delete_ps: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Setting this keyword will delete the PostScript file that is used as the intermediate
file in the conversion to other file types.
density: in, optional, type=integer, default=300
The horizontal and vertical density (in dots per inch, DPI) of the image when the PostScript file
is converted to a raster format by ImageMagick.
gif: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a GIF image. Requires ImageMagick.
im_options: in, optional, type=string, default=""
A string of ImageMagick "convert" options that can be passed to the ImageMagick convert
command. No error checking occurs with this string.
jpeg: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a JPEG image. Requires ImageMagick.
outfilename: out, optional, type=string
On exit, the name of the output file that was created.
pdf: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a PDF file. Requires Ghostscript.
png: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a PNG image. Requires ImageMagick.
portrait: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to indicate the PostScript file is in portrait mode. Otherwise, landscape
mode is assumed.
resize: in, optional, type=integer, default=25
If an image is being created from the PostScript file, it is often resized by some
amount. You can use this keyword to change the value (e.g, RESIZE=100).
The value is passed on to resize argument as a percentage in the ImageMagick call.
showcmd: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this command to show the command used to do any PostScript coversions.
silent: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to suppress output from the file. Is this keyword is set, be
sure to check the `Success` keyword on exit.
success: out, optional, type=boolean
On exit, this keyword is set to 1 if the program successfully managed to create a
raster file. It will be set to 0 otherwise.
tiff: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
Set this keyword to convert the PostScript output file to a TIFF image. Requires ImageMagick.
width: in, optional, type=integer
Set this keyword to set the resulting width of the raster file. The height of the
raster will be such as to preserve the aspect ratio of the starting image.
To create a line plot in a PostScript file named and
also create a PNG file named lineplot.png for display in a browser,
type these commands::
cgPlot, Findgen(11), COLOR='navy', /NODATA, XTITLE='Time', YTITLE='Signal'
cgPlot, Findgen(11), COLOR='indian red', /OVERPLOT
cgPlot, Findgen(11), COLOR='olive', PSYM=2, /OVERPLOT
PS_End, /PNG
David W. Fanning
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Change History::
Written by: David W. Fanning, 12 December 2011
Added the ability to check to see if 8-bit or 24-bit PNG files should be created. 3 April 2012. DWF.
Modified the ImageMagick commands that resizes the image to a particular width. Necessary
to accommodate PNG8 file output. Using ImageMagick 6.7.2-9. 4 April 2012. DWF.
Copyright (c) 2011, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.