This function provides a symbol catalog for specifying a number of plotting symbols.
theInSymbol: in, required, type=varies
The number (or name) of the symbol you wish to use. Possible values are::
0 : No symbol. NONE
1 : Plus sign. PLUSSIGN
2 : Asterisk. ASTERISK
3 : Dot (period). DOT
4 : Open diamond. OPENDIAMOND
5 : Open upward triangle. OPENUPTRIANGLE
6 : Open square. OPENSQUARE
7 : X. X
8 : Defined by the user with USERSYM. USERSYM
9 : Open circle. OPENCIRCLE
10 : Histogram style plot. HISTOGRAM
11 : Open downward triangle. OPENDOWNTRIANGLE
12 : Open rightfacing triangle. OPENRIGHTTRIANGLE
13 : Open leftfacing triangle. OPENLEFTTRIANGLE
14 : Filled diamond. FILLEDDIAMOND
15 : Filled square. FILLEDSQUARE
16 : Filled circle. FILLEDCIRCLE
17 : Filled upward triangle. FILLEDUPTRIANGLE
18 : Filled downward triangle. FILLEDDOWNTRIANGLE
19 : Filled rightfacing triangle. FILLEDRIGHTTRIANGLE
20 : Filled leftfacing triangle. FILLEDLEFTTRIANGLE
21 : Hourglass. HOURGLASS
22 : Filled Hourglass. FILLEDHOURGLASS
23 : Bowtie. BOWTIE
24 : Filled bowtie. FILLEDBOWTIE
25 : Standing Bar. STANDINGBAR
26 : Filled Standing Bar. FILLEDSTANDINGBAR
27 : Laying Bar. LAYINGBAR
28 : Filled Laying Bar. FILLEDLAYINGBAR
29 : Hat up. HATUP
30 : Hat down. HATDOWN
31 : Hat right. HATRIGHT
32 : Hat down. HATDOWN
33 : Big cross. BIGCROSS
34 : Filled big cross. FILLEDBIGCROSS
35 : Circle with plus. CIRCLEWITHPLUS
36 : Circle with X. CIRCLEWITHX
37 : Upper half circle. UPPERHALFCIRCLE
38 : Filled upper half circle. FILLEDUPPERHALFCIRCLE
39 : Lower half circle. LOWERHALFCIRCLE
40 : Filled lower half circle. FILLEDLOWERHALFCIRCLE
41 : Left half circle. LEFTHALFCIRCLE
42 : Filled left half circle. FILLEDLEFTHALFCIRCLE
43 : Right half circle. RIGHTHALFCIRCLE
44 : Filled right half circle. FILLEDRIGHTHALFCIRCLE
45 : Star. STAR
46 : Filled star. FILLEDSTAR
color: in, optional, type=varies
Set this keyword to the color (color table index, 24-bit value, or color name)
of the color desired.
names: in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
If this keyword is set, the function returns the names of the symbols allowed.
The index number of the name is its symbol number.
thick: in, optional, type=float, default=1.0
Set this keyword to the thickness desired. Default is 1.
To use with normal IDL routines::
Plot, findgen(11), PSYM=SYMCAT(theSymbol)
To connect symbols with lines, use a negative value for the PSYM keyword::
Plot, findgen(11), PSYM=-SYMCAT(theSymbol)
To use with Coyote Library routines, you can call SYMCAT indirectly::
cgPlot, findgne(11), PSYM=16, SYMCOLOR='dodger blue'
David W. Fanning
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Change History::
Written by David W. Fanning, 2 September 2006. Loosely based on the
program MC_SYMBOL introduced on the IDL newsgroup 1 September 2006,
and MPI_PLOTCONFIG__DEFINE from the Coyote Library.
Modified to allow PSYM=8 and PSYM=10 to have their normal meanings. This shifted
previous symbols by two values from their old meanings. For example, an hourglass
went from symbol number 19 to 21. 2 October 2006. DWF.
Whoops! Added two symbols but forgot to change limits to allow for them. 4 May 2007. DWF.
Added THICK keyword. 21 Aug 2007. DWF.
Added COLOR keyword and made THICK keyword apply to all symbols. 11 Nov 2008. DWF.
If you are using USERSYM, the "color" can get "stuck" on the last color used to draw
a symbol. To "unstick" the color, you have to call USERSYM without a color keyword
before calling it again with a color keyword. This is, without a doubt, the strangest
bug I've ever seen in IDL! 20 June 2012. DWF.
Changed the way I "unstick" the color from calling USERSYM to calling SYMCAT. This
avoids a problem in changing the symbol when SYMCAT is used (unnecessarily) to pass
a symbol into Coyote Graphics programs. 9 July 2012. DWF.
Added the ability (via Jack Saba) to ask for symbols by name. 17 July 2012. DWF.
Added the ability to ask for the color by name. 17 July 2012. DWF.
Renamed to cgSYMCAT from SYMCAT. 17 July 2012. DWF.
The previous problem with USERSYM colors "sticking" turned out to be a problem
with cgGraphicsKeywords, so I removed previous "fix". 18 July 2012. DWF.
Modified the program to allow a "negative" string to be used as the symbol name
(e.g., PSYM="-star"). 30 July 2012. DWF.
Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.