This program creates a "zoomable" line plot in an interactive window. The user can
zoom into or out of the plot. Once a plot is zoomed, the user can then pan the plot
in both the X and Y directions. See the operating instructions for how to interact
with the line plot.
x: in, required, type=any
If X is provided without Y, a vector representing the dependent values to be
plotted If both X and Y are provided, X is the independent parameter and
Y is the dependent parameter to be plotted.
y: in, optional, type=any
A vector representing the dependent values to be plotted.
label: in, optional, type=string
A label is similar to a plot title, but it is aligned to the left edge
of the plot and is written in hardware fonts. Use of the label keyword
will suppress the plot title.
legends: in, optional, type=object
A single cgLegendItem object, or an array of cgLegendItem objects that will be
drawn on the plot as a legend.
object: out, optional, type=objref
The object reference to the underlying object.
oplots: in, optional, type=object
A single cgOverPlot object, or an array of cgOverPlot objects that will be
overplot on the axes set up by the original data.
parent: in, optional, type=long
The identifer of the parent widget for this program's draw widget. If not
provided, the program will create it's own top-level base widget as the parent widget.
xsize: in, optional, type=int, default=640
The X size of the program's draw widget.
ysize: in, optional, type=int, default=512
The Y size of the program's draw widget.
zoomfactor: in, optional, type=float
Set this keyword to a number between 0.01 and 0.25. This affects the amount
of zooming when the X axis and Y axis are zoomed with the LEFT mouse button.
The default value is 0.05 or five percent of the current axis range on each
end of the axis, resulting in a 10 percent change in the axis length.
_ref_extra: in, optional, type=any
Any keyword appropriate for the IDL Plot or Coyote Graphic cgPlot command is
allowed in the program.
David W. Fanning
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Copyright (c) 2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.
Change History::
Separated the object code (cgZPlot__Define) from this driver code for easier inheritance. 14 June 2012. DWF.
Added LABEL keyword. 12 July 2012. DWF.