Scan a group of raw OSIRIS XD frames and find rough spectral location.
Calling Sequence
calib- Anonymous structure containing all pertinent calibration
information. This structure is usually loaded beforehand using
the routine, "ldcalir"
root - string containing the root of the file name (with leading path
if desired). DO NOT include the . between the root and suffix.
start - First spectrum number of sequence to scan.
last - Last spectrum number of sequence to scan, if negative, this number
is taken to be the number of spectra to scan.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
PATH - optional string that points to the directory containing the data.
This information is not used if the root already begins with '/'.
If root is not an absolute pathname, then PATH is prepended to
root for READ operations. This path is not used for saving.
This allows reading from one directory (possible a read only area)
and then saving to the current directory.
XRANGE - range of column numbers to average in extracted spectral slice to
find rough location of spectrum. Default is all columns.
YRANGE - range of rows that are valid locations. Default is all rows but the
first and last.
EXCLUDE- List of frames in the indicated range that should be excluded from
frno - A vector of frame numbers.
mate - A vector that gives a suggested frame number from this set for
a sky pair match that does not overlap the object.
Also, information on location for each spectrum is printed to the console.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Specifically written for OSIRIS cross-dispersed spectral data.
Modification History
95/09/27, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
96/05/29, MWB, changed 4th argument from NSPEC to LAST.
97/08/07, MWB, removed RANGE (buggy) and added XRANGE and YRANGE
97/12/10, MWB, fixed a really nasty bug that corrupt the location for
very high signal-to-noise data.
98/07/01, MWB, added code to skip over missing files in sequence.