Purpose (one Line Only)
Take a detection image and collapse into a list of unique local maxima
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
image - Digital image that is being scanned for discrete sources
detect - Byte image of same size as image. Each element of this array
indicates a level of detection of the corresponding image
pixel. Zero would indicate that pixel is of no particular
interest. In this routine, a non-zero value of detect is
taken to indicate that there is something interesting in the
image at that location.
gap - Minimium distance allowed between any two sources when done.
Whenever there are two apparent detections closer than this,
the brightest one is recorded.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
detect - This flag array is eroded to leave only those pixels at the
local maxima turned on. All nearby points are eliminated.
xmax - Array of x locations of local maxima in the image
ymax - Array of y locations of local maxima in the image
These two arrays are an alternate form of detect and are
provided on output if you want them since they had to be
generated anyway.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2004/07/14
This routine was extracted from within