Purpose (one Line)
Given a list of names and JD, return coordinates (RA and Dec).
Calling Sequence
jd - Julian date (scalar or vector).
obs - Observatory code, Marsden's IAUC codes (scalar).
object - Object name (scalar string or string array).
namefile - Correspondence file to match up to standard names.
If this variable is undefined or set to '[[STANDARD]]'
then the object names are taken to be standard names
already and the list is used as is. In this case, the
the return value of STANDARD is precisely equal to object.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
FILE - Name of star catalog file. Default is: (see
B1950 - If set, will return B1950 equinox coordinates (def=of date).
J2000 - If set, will return J2000 equinox coordinates (def=of date).
OFDATE - Coordinates should be referred to equinox of date.
If selected, EPOCH must be provided.
CACHE - Flag, if set causes ephemeris calculations to be saved to a file.
FNCACHE - Override of standard ephemeris cache file.
DEBUG - Flag, if turned on causes all pipe I/O to be echoed to screen.
ra - Right ascension of object in radians.
dec - Delination of object in radians.
Keyword Output Parameters
STANDARD - string array of standard names that match up to object.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
3/31/93 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory
10/5/93, MWB, added support for two Landolt catalogs.
99/02/23, MWB, allowed bypass of namefile specification.
2001/11/06, MWB, added CACHE, FNCACHE keywords to ephem call
2002/12/04, MWB, fixed obs to accept strings