Purpose (one Line Only)
Choose a color from a selection of palettes
This routine will look up a color out of a palette. You give the name
of the palette. A file named color.<set>.dat is expected to be
somewhere in your path. These files contain RGB triplets. The input
index must be in the file. If there are any errors, a color of '7f7f7f'xl
is returned.
The file format needed is an ASCII tabular file that can be read by readcol.
Each line must contain a set of three values, R G B, as integers (will
be read in and used as byte data). You are allowed to have comments
in the file. Text after the three values will be ignored. You can have
as many or as few colors in the table as you like but practically you
should have at least 2 and no more than 256. More colors than 256
are allowed but will be less useful in some contexts. The index for
each color in the file counts up from 0 being the index of the first
Calling Sequence
index - index number of the color in the set to return
Optional Input Parameters
set - string, name of the set of colors to pull from, the default is
the last set loaded and if none are loaded the crayola set is used.
Keyword Input Parameters
ARRAY - Flag, if set forces the output to be in a three-element array
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
contains the last palette that was read in. This is to allow multiple
calls within the same palette avoid repeated reading of the file.
Side Effects
Modification History
2016/01/10, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute
2016/01/18, MWB, added ARRAY keyword