Selects an X windows cursor shape
Calling Sequence
curs ;Interactively select a cursor shape.
curs, sel ;Make the given CURSOR_STANDARD value the cursor
Optional Input
sel - Either an integer giving the CURSOR_STANDARD value (usually an
even value between 0 and 152) indicating the cursor shape, or
a string from the following menu
a -- Up arrow
b -- Left-angled arrow
c -- Right-angled arrow
d -- Crosshair
e -- Finger pointing left
f -- Finger pointing right
g -- Narrow crosshair
h -- Cycle through all possible standard cursor shapes
The full list of available cursor values is given in
Uses the CURSOR_STANDARD keyword of the DEVICE procedure. Although
this keyword is available in Windows IDL, the values
used by this procedure are specific to the X windows device.
If the user supplies a valid cursor shape value, it is set. Otherwise,
an interactive command loop is entered; it will continue until a valid
value is given.
Modification History
Converted to VAX 3100 workstations / IDL V2. M. Greason, STX, May 1990.
Avoid bad cursor parameter values W. Landsman February, 1991
Don't change value of input param W. Landsman August 1995
Use SIZE(/TNAME) instead of DATATYPE() W. Landsman October 2001