Form a square array where each value is its distance to a given center.
Returns a square array in which the value of each element is its
distance to a specified center. Useful for circular aperture photometry.
Calling Sequence
N = either a scalar specifying the size of the N x N square output
array, or a 2 element vector specifying the size of the
N x M rectangular output array.
Optional Inputs
XCEN,YCEN = Scalars designating the X,Y pixel center. These need
not be integers, and need not be located within the
output image. If not supplied then the center of the output
image is used (XCEN = YCEN = (N-1)/2.).
IM - N by N (or M x N) floating array in which the value of each
pixel is equal to its distance to XCEN,YCEN
Optional Input Keyword
/DOUBLE - If this keyword is set and nonzero, the output array will
be of type DOUBLE rather than floating point.
Total the flux in a circular aperture within 3' of a specified RA
and DEC on an 512 x 512 image IM, with a header H.
IDL> adxy, H, RA, DEC, x, y ;Convert RA and DEC to X,Y
IDL> getrot, H, rot, cdelt ;CDELT gives plate scale deg/pixel
IDL> cdelt = cdelt*3600. ;Convert to arc sec/pixel
IDL> dist_circle, circle, 512, x, y ;Create a distance circle image
IDL> circle = circle*abs(cdelt[0]) ;Distances now given in arcseconds
IDL> good = where(circle LT 180) ;Within 3 arc minutes
IDL> print,total( IM[good] ) ;Total pixel values within 3'
The speed of DIST_CIRCLE decreases and the the demands on virtual
increase as the square of the output dimensions. Users should
dimension the output array as small as possible, and re-use the
array rather than re-calling DIST_CIRCLE
Modification History
Adapted from DIST W. Landsman March 1991
Allow a rectangular output array W. Landsman June 1994
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
Add /DOUBLE keyword, make XCEN,YCEN optional W. Landsman Jun 1998