This function returns the locations of the local extrema in a
given time series. Category
Time Series Analysis Calling Sequence
Result = EXTREMA( Data ) Inputs
Data: A vector of type integer or floating point.
Keyword Parameters
FLAT: If set, all locations along broad flat extrema are returned.
The default is for only the middle location to be returned.
ENDS: If set, end points are always returned as extrema. The default
is to return the end points only if they lie outside the next
minimum and maximum. Optional Outputs
MAXIMA: Returns the locations of the maxima.
MINIMA: Returns the locations of the minima.
Result: Returns the locations of the extrema.
For each point, neighbouring values are compared to see if the given
point is an extremum. Example
Define a vector.
data = [1,2,3,2]
Find the local maxima.
result = extrema( data )
The result should be [ 0, 2 ].
Modification History
Written by: Daithi A. Stone (stoned@atm.ox.ac.uk), 2003-10-09.