FFT_KIND Purpose
This procedure calculates the vector wavenumber at each pixel in
an n-dim fft array. It's like indices.pro, except that the k's are
normalized and shifted correctly to match the default
structure of IDL's FFT command.
array: An n-dimensional array (presumably an fft of something)
Keyword Parameters
t: The spacing between each pixel in the pre-FT space. Scalar or
vector of length equal to the dimensionality of array. The
k value at each pixel in FFT space is 2 pi n/(N * T), where n is
an integer, N is the number of pixels along a dimension, and T
is the spacing (see FFT documentation). Defaults to 1
k1: An array with the same shape as the input, giving the k1
coordinate at each pixel
k2-k8: Ditto, for the other dimensions
Modification History
2010-07-29: Created by Chris Beaumont