Breaks file name(s) into components.
Calling Sequence
filebreak, input Inputs
input = input file name (may be an array). in
Keyword Parameters
DIRECTORY=d returned directory name.
FILE=f returned complete file name (without directory).
NVFILE=fnv returned complete file name without version.
NAME=n returned file name without ext or vers.
EXTENSION=e returned file extension.
NOEXT=nex returned dir+name (no ext or vers).
VERSION=v returned file version number.
OS=os Input operating system family name if not the
one for the current IDL session. Values may be:
vms = Vax VMS, windows = PC windows, macos = Macs, anything else is unix.
The following diagram show relations between components:
. . . A A A / N N N N N N . E E E E ; V V V
| | | | | | |
| DIR | NAME | | EXT | | VER |
+-------------+-----------+ +-------+ +-----+
| NOEXT | | |
+-------------------------+ | |
| | NVFILE | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | FILE |
| +-----------------------------+
Common Blocks
Notes: The argument to this routine has the form:
dir+file where dir is operating system dependent
but something like d0:[aaa.bbb] for vms, or
/aaa.bbb/ for unix, or d:\aaa.bbb\ for Wndows.
The file will be of the form: name.ext;vers.
Only VMS has version numbers.
Requested values that do not occur are returned as
null strings
Modification History
Ray Sterner, 16 APR, 1985.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
RES, Added DIR 29 May, 1985.
R. Sterner, made op. sys. independent --- 11 Sep, 1991.
R. Sterner, 1997 Sep 25 --- Switched to !version.os_family.
R. Sterner, 2004 Dec 02 --- Added NOEXT=noext.
R. Sterner, 2010 May 04 --- Converted arrays from () to [].
Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.